Set of
TM 11-5895-1412-12&P
the desired option (Generate Minimum Lockouts or Generate Master
Lockouts) and attempt to generate the SINCGARS cell structures.
Use the help screen for function key descriptions. Option <f3> is a
debugging tool and is not discussed in this manual.
(a) Save data to disk (SINISS format)
Use this option to save a generated hopset to disk in the SINISS
Select this option and enter the filename (defaults to
A:HOPSET.##, where ## is the 2-digit tag number entered earlier)
that the generated cells are to be stored in and press <RETURN>.
The words Saving File are displayed and the Lockout Hopset Menu
(b) Save data in BECS HOPSET format
Use this option to save generated hopset to disk in the BECS
format to either the A: or C: drives.
Hopset data must be saved
in this format to transfer to the Data Transfer Device (DTD)
B. Generate TRANSEC Keys
Use this option to generate the operational and spare TRANSEC Keys for the
Select this option and the TRANSEC Key Menu shown in Figure 2-59 is displayed.
Use the help screen for option descriptions.
Figure 2-59 (GEN SINCGARS/f1, f3)
Generate TRANSEC Key
Use this option to generate TRANSEC Keys for loading ICOM and Non-ICOM
A pair of TRANSEC Keys, one operational and one spare, are
generated each time.