TM 5-2420-224-20-2
F R O N T L O A D E R / F O R K L I F T C O N T R O L V A L V E C O N T R O L S
R E P L A C E M E N T A N D A D J U S T M E N T ( C O N T )
REMOVE capscrew (18) and boom handle BLOCK (17) from shouldered shaft (19).
REMOVE capscrew (20) and remote control LEVER (21) from shouldered shaft (19).
REMOVE ROD (22) from manual control block (23).
10. REMOVE capscrew (24) and manual control BLOCK (23) from manual
11. REMOVE retaining ring (26), manual control LEVER (25), and shouldered
Perform steps 12 and 13 on HMMH only.
12. REMOVE setscrew (27) and push BUTTON (28) from knob (29).
control lever (25).
shaft (19) from lever bracket (7).
Tag cable wires prior to disconnecting to aid in connecting.
13. REMOVE two SCREWS (30), DISCONNECT CABLE (4) from push button (28), and REMOVE CABLE
(4) from rod (22).
14. REMOVE KNOB (29) from rod (22).
15. REMOVE KNOB (31) from rod (16).