TM 11-5895-1412-12&P
Enter into the CL column the class the net may be assigned to as part of a
reuse plan.
A class is a grouping of up to 20 zones. The total frequency
requirement for a class equals the number of nets in the largest zone.
class may be a number 1-10.
Enter into the ZN column the zone the net may be assigned to as part of a
reuse plan.
A zone is a group of nets in which an assigned frequency cannot
be repeated within that group for the same time period. Each zone can contain
200 nets.
Enter into
call sign
identify a
Enter into
radios. A
The zone may be a number 1-20.
the C/S column whether or not the net is to receive a call sign. A
s a three-character combination of letter-number-letter used to
command, activity unit or element in establishing and maintaining
The default is yes.
Type Y for yes and N for no.
the HOP NET column whether or not the net uses frequency hopping
freaquency hopping radio is a radio in which the operating
frequencies hop around.
The frequencies do not stay fixed-at one-point.
The default is no.
Type Y for yes and N for no. If yes is entered,
then a net ID should have been entered in the NET ID column.
Use this option to
selected, indicate
look for a particular net. Once this option has been
which direction to search.
u -
searches upward from current cursor position to the top of the net group
D -
searches downward from current cursor position to the bottom of the net
group) list.
A -
searches from the top to the bottom of the net group list.
R -
searches for the next occurrence of the string previously entered, when
there is more than one occurrence of the same string.
Select the desired direction and enter the string to find. If the string is
found, it is displayed at the top of the screen.
Use this option to save any changes or additions to the Master Net List
located inside of the computer.
The information is not permanently saved
until a SAVE TO DISK is performed.
Use this option to duplicate a certain Net to the line where the cursor is
presently blinking. Once this option has been selected, enter the line number
to be copied.
Use this option to go to a desired line number. Once this option is selected,
enter the desired line number.
The selected line number is displayed at the
top of the screen.