TM 11-5895-1412-12&P
f1 -
f2 -
f3 -
f6 -
f8 -
allows you to create a new net group list.
allows you to modify an existing net group list.
allows you to enter all net groups.
allows you to copy net group data to disk.
allows you to return to the previous menu.
After selecting <f1> from Figure 2-90, you are warned that selecting the
create option destroys existing information in the BGU. Choosing Y allows
you to continue and N returns you to the screen shown in Figure 2-87.
Choose Y and the cursor is placed in the top position in the first column
and all options except <f8> go away.
Type the first net group number (see
pages 2-33 to 2-37) to be used in the merge. Press <RETURN> to enter the
number and move the cursor to the next position.
Enter the number of the
remaining net group(s) you wish to use for the merge.
A maximum of 150 net
group numbers may be entered.
After entering the desired net group number(s),
press <f8> to return to the screen in Figure 2-90.
Selecting <f2> from Figure 2-90 allows you to modify an existing net group
list. Press <RETURN> (or use the up and down arrow keys) to move the cursor
to the position you want to modify.
The net group name appears in the lower
right corner of the screen.
After modifying the desired net group number(s),
press <f8> to return to the screen in Figure 2-90.
Selecting <f3> from the options screen in Figure 2-90 enters in the list all
net groups from the current database.
Select <f6> and the following message is displayed:
Insert the merge data disk and press <RETURN>. The screen flashes the
following message:
and returns to the merge menu.
Use this option to output all BECS data to a disk for merging purposes.
Select this option and the steps previously described in E. Merge Net Names,
Generated Call Signs, Generated Frequencies and Net IDs are performed. Next,
the BGU steps you through the procedures to merge SINCGARS as previously
described in D. Merge, SINCGARS, page 2-99.
Finally, the BGU returns to the
screen shown in Figure 2-87.
Use this option to fill an ECCM fill device (MX-10579 or MX-18290) with
SINCGARS frequency hopping information.
The-MX-10579 is used to load a Non-
ICOM radio only.
The MX-18290 is used to load either a Non-ICOM or an ICOM
The BGU program loads this data into the fill device through an ECCM
interface cable.
Make sure the ECCM fill device is turned off when connecting
or disconnecting to the BGU or radio.
The controls for a fill device are
shown on the next page in Figure 2-91. (See Appendix H).