TM 11-5805-424-15/NAVELEX 0967-220-9010/TO 31W2-2G-41
(4) Connect the vf output (send side) from
(2) Connect terminals 1, 2, and 3 of terminal
terminals 12, 13, and 14 of terminal board TB2.
board TB1 on each MD-674(P)/G to terminals 4, 5, and
6 of terminal board TB1 on the opposite MD-674(P)/G.
(5) Connect the vf input (receive side) to
terminals 15, 16, and 17of terminal board TB2.
(3) If neither MD-674(P)/G contains an OA-
8072/G, connect external timing signals to terminals 7,
(6) Connect terminals 3, 4, and 5 of terminal
8, and 9 of terminal board TB1 on each MD-674(P)/G.
board TB3 on each MD-674(P)/G to terminals 18, 19,
If only one MD-674(P)/G contains an OA-8072/G,
and 20 of terminal board TB2 on the opposite BD-
connect terminals 10, 11, and 12 of TB1 on the MD-
674(P)/G with the OA-8072/G to terminals 7, 8, and 9,
(7) Connect the ground leads as indicated in
respectively, of terminal board TB1 on the MD-674(P)/G
b(13) above.
without the OA-8072/G. If both units contain an OA-
(8) Operate the INPUT and OUTPUT
8072/G, remove the OA-8072/G from one unit, strap for
MD674(P)/G's to 6000.
accordance with preceding sentence.
b. Power Supply Adjustments.
The procedures given below are
(1) Connect the ME-26A/U, set to measure
performed by general support
15 volts dc, between jacks J2 (+15 volts) and J5
(ground) on assembly A15 (left power supply printed-
(2) Adjust the D.C. POWER +15V control
2-6. Test Equipment Required
(fig. 2-3) until the ME-26A/U indicates 15
volts dc; then,
disconnect the ME-26A/U.
(3) Connect the ME-26A/U, set to measure -
15 volts dc, between jacks J4 (-15 volts) and J5
d. Attenuator, Hewlett-Packard Model 350D.
(4) Adjust the D.C. POWER -15V control
e. Temperature tester (Simpson Model 388-3L).
(fig. 2-3) until the ME-26A/U indicates -15 volts dc; then,
disconnect the ME-26A/U.
2-7. Loop-Back Adjustments
(5) Connect the ME-26A/U, set to measure 6
a. Preliminary Procedures.
volts dc, between test jacks J2 (+6 volts) and J5
(1) Tag and disconnect leads from terminals
(ground) on assembly A14 (right power supply printed
12, 13, and 14 and terminals 15, 16, and 17 of terminal
board TB2.
16) Adjust the D.C. POWER +6V control (fig.
(2) Use a shielded twisted pair signal cable
2-3) until the ME-26A/U indicates 6
volts dc; then,
and connect terminals 12, 13, and 14 to terminals 15,
disconnect the ME-26A/U.
16, and 17 of terminal board TB2, respectively.
(7) Connect the ME-26A/U. set to measure -
(3) Tag and disconnect leads from terminals
6 volts dc, between test jacks J4 (-6 volts) and J5
3, 4, and 5 of terminal board TB3, and terminals 18, 19,
and 20 of terminal board TB2.
(8) Adjust the D.C. POWER -6V control (fig.
(4) Use a shielded twisted pair signal cable
2-3) until the ME-26A/U indicates -6
volts dc; then,
and connect terminals 3, 4, and 5 of terminal board TB3
disconnect the ME-26A/U.
to terminals 18, 19, and 20 of terminal board TB2,
c. Transmit Output Level Adjustments.
(1) Connect the ME-30A/U across terminals
(5) Operate the BAUD RATE switch to the
(2) Operate the INPUT SELECT switch (fig.
(6) Operate the AC POWER switch to ON.
Change 5