TM 11-5805-424-15/NAVELEX 0967-220-9010/TO 31W2-2G-41
2-5. Connections
Shielded twisted pair, Alpha
a. General. All signal and power connections to
No. 3241 to MIL-W -
External bit-timing input.
the MD-674(P)/G are made to the terminal boards on
Receive data output.
the rear of the chassis when the access cover is
All bit-timing outputs.
removed (fig. 1-8). Determine the installation require-
All order-wire connections.
ments and the number of cable runs to be used, and
AC power
punch out the required holes with a Greenly punch.
Shielded twisted pair, Alpha
No. 3221 to MIL-W-
Receiver carrier input.
Determine the type of wiring required from the chart
below, and connect the equipment as required in b, c, or
Shielded wire, Alpha No.
All ground connections.
d below.
Shielded wire, Alpha No.
All external alarm
3308 to MIL-W-16878D.
Change 5 2-4.1