the voltage across it is very low. In Facsimile
continuity, section 2 of the selector switch S1 must
Transceivers TT-1D/TXC-1, TT-1E/TXC-1, and
be taken into account.
c. Adjustment and Alinement. With the power
TT-1F/TXC-1, C58 and R49 have been omitted.
turned on and the selector switch set at TRANS-
The balancing electrode of phototube 5652 has
MIT, adjust the CONTRAST control and R42
for the best possible balance with the beam scan-
b. Switching Circuit. Any unbalance in the
ning the black portion of the phasing strip. If
bridge circuit develops a voltage across R50 which
is applied to the grid of V10. In tracing circuit
it is not possible to obtain a minimum signal of