Figure 39. Sealed fork oscillator unit, schematic diagram.
circuit energy developed across load
resistor R309 is coupled through C309
ceiver TT-1/TXC-1 (also in the STAND-
to the low-pass filter and output trans-
former T5. Capacitor C308 across the
TT-1A/TXC-1 through TT-F/TXC-1).
input and C307 across the output and T5
form part of a filter network which
71. Motor Amplifier Driver and Output Stages
reduces the hf components of the signal.
(V4, V5, and V6)
A connection to section IIR of the selector
switch short-circuits the input and output
to T5. This connection removes the
Stages V4, V5, and V6 amplify the 1,800-cycle
1,800-cycle energy from the photocell
furnish ac power to operate the synchronous
circuit when the selector switch is in the