TM 11-5895-1412-12&P
This chapter describes the various PAM selections used to generate random SOI
Use this chapter to learn how to generate call signs (see Gen Call
Signs, page 2-69), frequency information (see Gen Frequency, page 2-69),
SINCGARS information (see Gen SINCGARS, page 2-73), suffixes and expanders
(see Gen Suf/Exp, page 2-78), signs and countersigns (see Gen Sign/Cntr, page
2-79) and smoke and pyrotechnic information (see Gen Smoke/Pyre, page 2-84).
Generation of random data is divided between six different generation
This separation allows for flexibility in generation since
generated data is not always needed for each section.
An initialization vector, supplied by NSA, is required for random SOI data
A new vector is required for each complete set of SOI generation.
It is a violation of doctrine to use one initialization vector for multiple
SOI data generations.
The generation routines are called from the BECS PAM Menu shown in Figure 2-
Figure 2-49
To initiate a generation routine, move the arrow cursor to the name of the
desired routine and press either <f1>, START APPLIC or <RETURN>.
After selecting any of the generation routines, confirm if this is a merged
data base.
Do not perform a generation of data that has been passed from