direct amplifier (V13, section 5-6-7) is
connected to the LINE binding posts
completed through the primary of trans-
through sections IR and IL and attenu-
former T2 and section IVR of the selector
ator resistors R84 and R85. In the set
switch, with secondary No. 1 of T2 con-
RANGE position of the selector switch,
nected to the grid circuit of V14.
the LINE binding posts and the LINE
d. Signal Meter Amplifier (V13) (figs. 55 and
JACK are disconnected, and secondary
56). This stage uses dual-triode tube 7N7. Sec-
No. 1 is short-circuited and grounded.
tion 5-6-7 serves as the Class C RECORD
(2) Receiving. When the selector switch is
DIRECT amplifier-driver stage which drives
at any other position than TRANSMIT
stage V14. Pins 2, 3, and 4 serve as the meter
or SET RANGE, the low side of R59
amplifier, providing a vacuum-tube voltmeter cir-
( t h e output GAIN control) is un-
cuit for measuring input and output signal levels
grounded, removing its effectiveness as a
in decibels.
gain control but still permitting V12 to
be fed by V11. Tube V12 serves as a
(1) Record direct amplifier driver. Although
received signal amplifier only for photo-
the grid (pin 5) of the first section of tube
graphic recording. With the selector
V13 is fed a modulated 1,800-cycle signal
switch in RECORD PHOTO position,
at all times, the stage is operative only
the plate circuit of V12 is established
when the selector switch is in the REC-
ORD DIRECT position. The stage is
T2 and through section IVR of the selector
operated as a threshold limiter; that is,
switch. Secondary No. 2 of T2 is open-
it is biased considerably beyond cutoff
circuited, but secondary No. 1 of T2 is
and prevents an output signal until the
in the grid circuit of V14, the output
input signal reaches a predetermined
amplifier for recording. With the selec-
level. This is advantageous in control-
tor switch in the RECORD DIRECT
ling the signal used on direct recording.
position, the plate circuit of the record
The grid (pin 5) is fed from the plate of