TM ll-5895-1412-12&P
NET - An organization of stations capable of direct communications with each
other using a common frequency or channel.
NET CALL SIGN - A call sign which represents all stations within a net.
NET CONTROL STATION (NCS) - A station designated to control traffic and
enforce circuit discipline with a given net.
NET RESTRICTION - A frequency restriction placed on a-net. Up to eight
restrictions may be applied to a given net.
The restrictions are designated
by a letter code in the range A-P.
Each letter identifies the explanation of
how the net is restricted.
PRIMARY NET - The net used under normal operating conditions.
PYROTECHNICS - Ammunition containing chemicals that produce a smoke or
brilliant light in burning, used for signaling or for lighting up an area at
RETRANSMISSION - Employment of a radio communication set for the purpose of
rebroadcasting a message on a different frequency simultaneously with the
original broadcast by means of an electrically operated linkage device between
the receiver and transmission of the net.
RETRANS NET - The net assigned to a retrans (radio relay) operation.
SIGNAL OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS (S0I) - A series of orders issued for technical
control and coordination of the Signal operations of a command or activity.
It provides guidance needed to insure the speed, simplicity and security of
The SOI normally contains call sign assignments, frequency
assignments, suffixes, signs and countersigns, pyrotechnic and smoke
and complete supplemental instructions. See CEOI description.
SUFFIX - A two-digit number (01 through 99) used in conjunction with
tactical organizations call sign to indicate a specific position, mi
Suffixes may be further expanded by letters to identify a
element of the position, mission, or function identified by the suff
SINCGARS - Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System.
TIME PERIOD - That length of time during which a specific call sign,
and frequency is used.
ssion or
TRANSEC KEY(S) - A set of bits that, when properly loaded into the SINCGARS
radio, provides the hopping sequence through the frequency hopset that the
radio uses in the frequency-hopping mode.
UHF - Ultra High Frequency (225.00-400.00 megahertz).
VHF-AM - Very High Frequency-Amplitude Modulation (108.00-150.00 megahertz).
VHF-FM - Very High Frequency-Frequency Modulation (30.000-87.975 megahertz).