TM 11-5895-1412-12&P
HEWLETT-PACKARD INTERFACE LOOP (HP-IL) - The HP-IL is a connector that allows
the computer and the peripherals to communicate. The personal computer, disk
drive, and printer are connected to one another by means of cables in a loop
INITIALIZING - Process by which a disk is prepared to receive and store data.
See formatting.
INSERT (INS) - A command that allows characters to be inserted into text
during the entry period.
INTERFACE - The link between the computer and another piece of equipment. It
can be equipment or programs and is designed to communicate information from
one system of computing devices or programs to another.
It makes
communications possible between the computer and its peripherals.
INTERLEAVE - Interleaving a disk is a method of alternately numbering sectors
on the disk to improve data acquisition efficiency.
KEYBOARD - The 75 keys attach to the front of the personal computer.
KBYTES - A unit of measurement for memory storage. One kbyte is equal to 1,024
bytes (or 1,024 characters). Also called K or kilobyte.
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) - The personal computers screen.
LOAD - To read programs into a computer.
LOCKOUT SET - Data which prevents transmission/reception on particular
MEMORY - The size of the computers brain. Memory is the combination of
hardware and/or disks on which data is stored.
MENU - The displayed list of options available, such as Suffixes, Expanders or
Frequencies and Callsigns.
MFM - Modified Frequency Modulation (MFM) is a method for storing data on
MODIFY - Used when the information already contained in a file must be
changed, added to, deleted from or altered in some way.
This option allows
all items not deliberately altered to be retained in the file.
PAM PAUSE - A time certain prompts are displayed (from .065 seconds) when both
the SHFT and TIME keys are held down.
PERIPHERALS - Devices, such as the Hewlett-Packard Think Jet printer and the
Hewlett-Packard 9114 disk drive, which are connected directly to the Hewlett-
Packard HP-111 personal computer.
They are external to and controlled by the
Peripherals are so called because they are not part of the