TM 11-5895-1412-12&P
PRESET FREQUENCY - The frequency loaded into a present channel.
PROGRAM - A set of instructions or steps telling the computer how to handle a
problem or task.
REVERSE VIDEO - The letters and numbers appear in grey on a black background.
SCREEN - The LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY (LCD) on which user input is shown and on
which messages appear.
SOFTWARE - A computer program or set of programs.
TIME OF DAY (TOD) - TOD is used for timing
timekeeper for the clocks.
TRANSEC VARIABLE - Electronic control data
SINCGARS Radios in the same net must conta
UTILITY - A utility is a program that perf
FH operations. NCS is the
required for FH operation. All
in the same TRANSEC variable.
orms a task required by most users.
For example, most users need-to make copies of disks. Therefore, the copy
utility is a program that tells the computer how to copy disks.
WRITE PROTECT - A method of protecting disk information from being erased or