TM 11-5895-1412-12&P
ABORT (ABRT) - A command that discontinues or exits.
ADDRESS - A number that identifies the exact location to which your computer
can send data or from which your computer receives data.
BACKUP - A backup is a duplicate copy of a disk made in case the original disk
is lost or damaged.
BATTERY AMPHOUR - A rating of how much energy a battery can deliver before its
immediate useful life is finished.
BOOTING - Booting up your computer puts it in a ready-to-run condition. The
computer literally pulls itself up by its bootstraps and gets ready to go.
(Booting loads the operating system and utilities. )
BYTE - A byte is used to represent one character, such as a single letter,
number, or other symbol.
CABLE - Cables provide the connection between computers and peripherals
(printers and disk drives, etc. ).
The cable used in this manual is the HP-IL
(Hewlett-Packard Interface Loop).
CALL SIGNS - A sign used in conjunction with the current time period and net
CHANNEL - A circuit in which a frequency and/or a hopset can be loaded and
COMMAND - A sequence of characters that causes an operation to occur.
Commands generally start with a name that identifies an executable file, such
as a program or utility, and may include parameters.
Configuration is a way to let your computer know which disk
drive it is talking to, where the disk drive is on the bus, and which drive
you want the computer to access.
CREATE - Can be used when no information exists in a given file or when the
information that does exist is out of date and can be written over.
When the
CREATE option is chosen, the following prompt will appear: This will destroy
current information.
Are you sure? Y/N?
CURRENT LINE - The line on the screen that contains the cursor.
CURSOR - The flashing indicator that shows where the next character will be
typed or changed.
CUE - Used to contact an FH radio net.
DEFAULT - The action or value automatically invoked by the computer unless you
specify otherwise.