(3) When tape transport reports BOT status,
set WRITE switch to off.
(4) Depress RUN FORWARD switch on
exerciser. Wait 10 seconds and depress STOP
switch. Cycle tape transport ON/OFF switch off,
and after one second, on. Repeat five times.
(5) Depress REWIND switch on exerciser.
Wait for BOT to be reported.
(6) Ensure that WRITE switch is off. Reset
PARITY ERRORS counter and depress RUN
FORWARD switch. Monitor error counter during
first one minute of command READ operation.
Verify that counter indicates zero.
(7) Depress REWIND switch on exerciser.
Wait for BOT to be reported.
b. Error Test.
(1) Set WRITE switch on exerciser on. Set ALL
PAT switch on. Reset PARITY ERRORS counter
and depress RUN FORWARD switch.
(2) Allow tape transport to perform com-
manded read-after-write operation through EOT.
(3) During above operation, observe error
counter during recording pass (until EOT is
reported) and verify that there are no errors. If
errors are indicated, repeat entire error test (two
b. Dynamic Skew B.
retries maximum).
(1) Using same settings as above, display
(4) Wait for BOT status to be reported before
signals present at TP4 of digital read/write circuit
card A1 on CH1 and TP6 of digital read/write circuit
3-17. Power Consumption Test
to the chopped mode.
a. Low-Speed Read While Write Mode.
for the signal on Al, TP4 (CH1). Measure time
exerciser TRANSPORT CURRENT jacks.
displacement over which signal jitters. Make note of
(2) When tape transport reports BOT status,
this time.
depress RUN FORWARD switch. Observe that
(3) Tigger oscilloscope on positive-going edge
current does not exceed 2.04 amperes.
of signal on A3, TP6 (CH2). Measure time
b. High Speed.
displacement over which the signal jitters. Make
(1) Depress STOP switch, then depress
note of this time.
REWIND switch on exerciser. Wait for BOT status
(4) Add the times noted in steps (2) and (3) and
to be reported.
verify that dynamic skew B is 6.0 microseconds
(2) Depress FAST and RUN FORWARD
switches and observe that current does not exceed
(5) Depress REWIND switch on exerciser.
2.04 amperes.
Wait for BOT to be reported.
c. Standby.
(1) When BOT status is reported, set exerciser
SELECT 1 off and SELECT 2 on.
a. Power Cycling, Write Interface.
(2) Observe that standby current does not
exceed 0.65 ampere.
switches on exerciser on. When BOT is reported,
depress exerciser PARITY ERRORS RESET and
3-18. Magnetic Tape Cartridge Test Setup
RUN FORWARD switches.
a. Connect the exerciser to a known good tape
(2) Allow tape transport to perform the
operation for one minute. If after that time the error
b. Refer to TM 11-6625-3024-14 for exerciser
counter registers zero errors, depress STOP switch,
operating instructions. Set exerciser controls as
then REWIND switch on exerciser. If errors are
indicated, repeat procedure (two retries maximum).