Alternately depress STOP and RUN FORWARD to
display signal.
major division on the scale equals 20 percent.
(7) Verify that start time (measured as in step
(5) Verify that start time is within 30 to 33 ms.
(4) is within 60 to 66 ms.
(6) Depress FAST switch on exerciser.
(3) Connect CH1 of oscilloscope to TP1 of
b. Stop Time.
(1) Set oscilloscope to trigger on the positive
trigger on the positive-going edge of the pulse.
edge of the external trigger signal at A5, TP3 when
Display successively on CH2 the signal at TP4,
RUN FORWARD switch on exerciser is depressed.
TP5, and TP6 of digital read/write circuit cards Al,
(2) Display the signal present at A5, TP5.
A2, A3 noting which positive signal transition is
most delayed from start of sweep. Connect CH2 to
five divisions peak-to-peak.
this most delayed point. Refer to table 3-1 for test
(3) Measure the period from start of sweep to
point/tape track number identification.
(4) Measure the period from start of sweep to
Each major division on the scale equals 20 percent.
center of jittered signal transition (fig. 3-4) and
(4) Verify that stop time is within 58 to 64 ms.
verify that static skew is 5.6 microseconds
(5) Set FAST switch off. Set exerciser for RUN
(5) Depress STOP and REWIND switches on
(6) Repeat step (3) and verify that stop time is
within 29 to 32 ms.
(6) When BOT status is reported, remove skew
(7) Depress REWIND switch on exerciser.
tape cartridge, replacing it with the write enabled
3-15. Skew Test
standard cartridge used in previous sections of this
procedure. Close and lock tape transport access
a. Static Skew and Dynamic Skew A.
(1) On exerciser, set WRITE and FAST
(7) Set WRITE switch and WRITE DATA
switches off. Insert skew tape cartridge
ALL 1 switch on. Depress REWIND switch on
TW-433/UYH-5. Close and lock access door.
Depress REWIND switch.
(2) After BOT status is reported, depress RUN
(8) After BOT status is reported, depress RUN
FORWARD switch.
FORWARD switch.