Caution: The phasing procedure must
the dog trip arm, false phasing may result.
always be repeated after the transmitting
To correct this condition, exert a gentle
or receiving drum is stopped before trans-
mitting another picture.
phasing ring on the drum, until the stop
arm catches up with the dog trip arm.
26. Transmitting Positive for Positive,
T T - 1 C / T X C - 1 , TT-1D/TXC-1, TT-
Photographic Recording
1E/TXC-1, and TT1F/TXC-1 have a
When transmitting positive for positive photo-
graphic reception, follow the procedure outlined
this step unnecessary.) Switch to the
in the preceding paragraph for transmitting posi-
TRANSMIT position and send about 25
tive for direct recording.
phasing pulses.
a. With the CONTRAST control set to approx-
d. Transmitting Copy. If the receiving operator
imately 30 (never over 45 on the dial for positive
does not request more phasing pulses, proceed to
transmissions), set the GAIN control (on the
transmit copy as follows:
blackest portion) for the +2 db reading. How-
(1) Turn the selector switch to the TRANS-
ever, when setting the CONTRAST control for
MIT position. Pull forward the knurled
the whitest portion of the copy, slowly turn the
engaging lever on the left end of the drum
control only until the DB METER indicates -13
mechanism to engage the half nuts of the
db. Do not set it for a minimum reading. Do not
drum feed mechanism with the lead
turn the CONTRAST control so far that the meter
screw. This will cause the drum to move
indication passes -13 db and dips to a lower read-
slowly from right to left on the shaft.
ing, then rises again to -13 db. This type of
adjustment will cause reversal of tones on the
than 12 inches in width, the drum may be moved
received copy.
to the left by grasping the housing (do not touch
Note. When setting the CONTRAST control of Fac-
the drum) and sliding the drum so that the light
simile Transceiver TT-1/TXC-1, -1A/TXC-1, and -1B/
falls on the left edge of the copy. The phasing
TXC-1 for receiving, adjust it to read only -8 db instead
will not be upset as long as the drum is not
of -13 db on the DB METER.
(2) When all copy has moved past the scan-
b. If it is not possible to obtain the -13 db
reading, recheck the setting of the GAIN control
ning beam, turn the selector switch to
and readjust the CONTRAST control as in a
STANDBY. This will stop the motor in
c. The minimum reading on the whitest portion
TT-1/TXC-1. In Facsimile Transceiver
should be -13 db; the maximum reading on the
TT-1/TXC-1, modified by MWO SIG
blackest portion should not exceed +2 db. Check
11-2258-1, the MOTOR OFF-MOTOR
the final GAIN and CONTRAST control adjust-
ON switch must also be operated to the
ments by slowly cutting off the light from the
MOTOR OFF position. If Facsimile
exciter lamp. When this is done, the DB METER
Tr a n s c e i v e r TT-1A/TXC-1, TT-1B/
indication should rise from -13 db to +2 db
TXC-1, TT-1E/TXC-1, or TT-
without going to a value of less than -13 db. If
the 15 db wedge setting cannot be obtained, check
1F/TXC-1 is being used, the motor will
continue to run until the STANDBY-
MON-TALK switch also is operated to
27. Transmitting Negative
the STANDBY position. Remove the
When transmitting negative for reception on
completed copy from the drum. If more
film, proceed as follows:
a. Preparations. Make the same initial prepa-
from the start. Set up a new contrast and
gain setting for the new copy, and repeat
rations as in transmitting positive. Be sure the
the phasing procedure. If no more copy
selector switch is on SET RANGE.
is to be transmitted immediately, leave
b. Setting GAIN and CONTRAST Controls.
the selector switch at STANDBY. When
(1) Set the GAIN control to 65. (Never set
below 50 when transmitting negative.)
closing down, throw the power ON-OFF
Set the CONTRAST control to 100.
switch to the OFF position.