29. Duplicating Process Using
but not sticky or excessively wet appearance. If
the gelatin is too dry, there will be insufficient
Timefax A Paper.
transfer of dye from the master and the copy may
Timefax A paper is a specially prepared record-
stick to the pad. If the surface is too wet, the
ing paper which is used when multiple copies of a
dye in the master will run and blur the recording.
facsimile recording are required. The received
After the master copy has been received on Time
copy acts as the master copy and is applied to a
fax A paper, proceed as follows for making dupli-
hectograph or gelatin pad from which additional
cate copies:
copies are made. Timefax A paper has a high-
(1) Prepare the gelatin pad for use by mois-
resistance, light-colored, bluish top coating, which
is burned away by the current from the stylus to
tening, with a damp sponge and allow the
gelatin to absorb the water for about 1
expose the dye in the undercoating, just as the
minute. Avoid puddles. Wipe off the
carbon undercoating of Teledeltos paper is ex-
excess water with a piece of absorbent
posed. The master copy as obtained is impressed
paper, or a sponge that has been squeezed
on the gelatin pad for a sufficient time to transfer
thoroughly. Repeat the moistening pro-
the exposed dye to the gelatin. Duplicate copies
cedure until the surface of the pad ap-
are then made by transferring the dye in the gela-
tin to a suitable coated hectograph paper. For
pears in the condition outlined in
subparagraph b above. Apply a little
short runs (10 to 15 copies), Times Dyeprint paper
water at a time until the surface stays
or Ditto HiSpeed paper should be used. When
more copies are required, a long run paper should
be used which does not pickup the dye so rapidly.
Caution: Ordinary tap water may be
Recording on Timefax paper is quicker than photo-
used unless it is bacteria-infested, in
graphic paper methods, but the definition is not
which case the gelatin will deteriorate
as sharp. The quality of the multiple copies
slowly. To prevent this, add a specially-
depends on the condition of the gelatin pad, the
prepared germicide solution to the water.
amount of time the master copy is impressed on
(2) Fold back one comer of the master copy
the gelatin pad, the amount of time duplicating
to facilitate its subsequent removal with.
copy paper is left on the pad, and the recording
out scratching or scoring the pad. Place
level used in making the master copy.
the master copy face down on the pad
a. Recording. Recording on Timefax A paper
with a wiping action (do not slide) so
is similar to recording by the direct process method
that it makes perfect contact over its en-
on Teledeltos or Timefax NDA paper. Place the
tire area. Leave the master copy on the
paper on the recording drum with the coated side
pad or roll approximately 1 minute. Ex-
out and follow the procedure outlined in paragraph
perience will prove whether more or less
28. Do not judge the master copy by its appear-
time is required. If the master copy is
ance, but rather by is performance on the gelatin
not left in contact with the gelatin pad
pad. The master copy need not be black and dis-
long enough, there will be insufficient
tinct. Set the transceiver GAIN control so that
transfer of dye from the master, and
the meter indicates approximately +2 db on the
copies will be faint and poorly defined.
black (maximum) signal for the original trial.
An the time of impression is increased,
Increase the setting if necessary, but avoid too
more dye will be transferred but it will
high a setting. For beat results, the printing level
penetrate farther into the gelatin, result-
should be maintained as high as possible without
ing in very little improvement in the
causing destruction or thinning out of the dye.
brightness of duplicate copies. An ex-
Usually the level is +3 db or +4 db. Excessive
cessive transfer of dye will result in a
gain will cause excessive smoking at the stylus and
reduction of the total number of impres-
will destroy the transfer dye in the undercoating.
sions that can be made with the master
Do not change the setting of the GAIN control
copy. After 1 minute has elapsed, check
during the recording period.
the impression made on the pad by care-
b. Use of Gelatin Pad for Duplicating. For
fully lifting one corner of the master off
satisfactory results, the gelatin pad must be suffi-
the gelatin. If more time is required,
ciently conditioned by moistening so that the sur-
face of the pad presents a slimy, slightly slippery,
replace the master for a few more seconds.