TM 5-2420-224-20-2BACKHOE STABILIZER CYLINDER REPLACEMENTThis task covers:a. Removal b. InstallationI N I T I A L S E T UPApplicable Configuration:General Safety Instructions:SEETools and Special Equipment:Shop Equipment, SC 4910-95-CL-A74Tool Kit, SC 5180-90-CL-N26Materials/Parts:Packing (2)Caps and PlugsAppendix C, Item 7RagsAppendix C, Item 32Personnel Required: (2)References:LO 5-2420-224-12Equipment Condition:ReferenceCondition DescriptionPage 2-22Backhoe in Three-PointStancePage 2-23Hydraulic PressureRelievedW A R N I N G• High pressure hydraulics [oilunder 2450 psi (16,893 kPa)]o p e r a t e t h i s e q u i p m e n t .N e v e rd i s c o n n e c ta n yh y d r a u l i c l i n e o r f i t t i n gw i t h o u tf i r s td r o p p i n gp r e s s u r e t o z e r o . A h i g hp r e s s u r e o i l s t r e a m c a np i e r c e b o d y a n d c a u s esevere injury to personnel.• Backhoe stabilizer cylinderw e i g h s 7 7 p o u n d s ( 3 5kilograms). To avoid personalinjury, use a hoist or suitablel i f t i n g d e v i c e w h e n l i f t i n gbackhoe stabilizer cylinder.• Fuel and oil are slippery andc a n c a u s e f a l l s . T o a v o idinjury, wipe up spilled fuel oroil with rags.C A U T I O NCap or plug all ports and ends of hoses and tubes to prevent contaminationof hydraulic oil. Failure to do so may result in damage to equipment.NOTE• Procedure is the same for both stabilizer cylinders.• Tag lines prior to disconnecting to aid in connecting.4-673R E M O V A L
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