TM 11-7440-278-14
a. Remove the power cables from their storage
and power cables are connected. Select the lowest,
dampest point within 6 feet of the ground connections
locations in each assemblage; each van has two 50 foot
and scoop out a small hole about 6 inches deep. When
power cables associated with it; the V460/MYK-8(V) has
selecting sites for the ground rods, be sure that they will
one 50 foot power cable.
b. Connect one end of the power cables to the
not interfere with signal cables, power cables, or traffic
around the system. Remove any paint or grease from
receptacles located on the respective power entrance
the ground rods. Drive each rod into the hole until
panels. Connect the other end of the power cables to
approximately 4 inches of the rods protrude from the
bottom of the holes. Saturate the ground surrounding
distribution box.
each rod with water. When the terrain is dry in summer
months, a length of hose connected to the air,
2-13. Power Connections
conditioner runoff can be used to keep the area around
the ground rod moist.
a. Installation of Van Ground Rods.
Make grounding connections (para
(1) Refer to TM 9233027114 and remove ground
211) before any power is connected
rods, straps, and sledge hammer from storage.
to the AN/MYK-9(V) (*).
(2) Connect one end of ground strap to the
a. Connect the connector ends of the two 25 foot
installed ground rod and the other end of the strap to the
prime power cables to the receptacles on the rear of the
power distribution box.
(3) Install a ground strap between the GND studs
b. Open the access panels on the generator to gain
of each van.
access to the generator load panel.
b. Installation of V-460/MYK-8(V) Ground Rod.
(1) Remove ground rod and sledge hammer from
mountings on shelter wall. Remove 10 foot ground strap
Voltage produced by this generator is
from storage cabinet in shelter.
a potential personnel safety hazard.
(2) Lift and secure the cover of the POWER
To ensure maximum safety of
personnel from electrical hazards, the
(3) After installing the ground rod, connect one
generator set should not
end of the ground strap to the rod and the other end of
operating. If the generator must be
the strap to the lower GROUND TERMINAL in the
operating for emergency servicing or
testing, set main power switch to OFF
c. Installation of Power Generator Ground Rod. If a
to disconnect the generator from the
power generator is used with the AN/MYK8(V) (*), refer
load panel terminals and warn other
to TM 5611529313 for grounding procedures.
personnel not to set main power
d. Installation of Prime Power Distribution Box
switch to ON.
Ground Rod. Remove and site power distribution box
and proceed as follows:
c. Refer to TM 5-6115-365-15 and connect the power
(1) Remove ground rod and strap from its storage
cable lugs to the corresponding generator load terminals.
location in the van and install.
(2) Connect one end of ground strap to ground
rod and the other end of strap to the stud on the rear of
Deenergize or disconnect the central
the power distribution box.
power source before making any
2-12. Connection of Prime Power Distribution Box
Electrical power for the AN/MYK8(V) (*) equipment may
be obtained from any 120/208 vac 60 Hz source. The
Check to be sure there is correct
power source can be either a standard power distribution
grid or a PU495/G Mobile Generator Set. In either
terminations on the adapter and the
situation, the prime power distribution box must be
prime power cable connections.
connected between the power source and the
assemblages of the AN/MYK8(V) (*) according to the
2-14. Power System Installation Check
following procedures:
A few checks of basic system operation should be made
before putting the power system into full