TM 11-7440-278-14
Figure 2-2. OL-88(V)(*)/MYK-8(V) and OL-89(V)(*)/MYK-8(V), Block Diagram.
c. V460/MIK8(V). The V460/MYK8(V) contains a
drainage, permitting the proper installation of ground
Model 1800 Decollater, IBM 129 Card Data Recorder,
b. Power Source Site. If a generator is used to
KYBE TMS70 Tape Cleaner/ Verifier, and Bell and
provide primary power, it should be located downwind
Howell TD29034B Degausser, all used in conjunction
and approximately 50 feet from the assemblages to
with equipment in the OL88(V) (*)/MYK8(V) and the
minimize fire, fume hazards, and generator noise
OL89 (V) (*)/MYK-8 (V).
be located in a level area of approximately 50 feet by 50
2-2. Siting
feet, with a slope of no more than 15 degrees.
The best operating site for the AN-MYK-8(V) (*) is
c. Security Considerations. The system should be
determined by the tactical situation and other local
sited in a secure perimeter.
conditions. The system should be positioned as shown
in figure 23. The site selected should meet the following
2-3. Shelter Requirements
The shelter requirements for the AN/MYK8(V) (*) are
a. Assemblage Site. The site selected should be in
satisfied by the vans and shelter in which the system
an open area of approximately 100 feet by 100 feet and
equipment is enclosed.
relatively level with a slope of no more than 12 degrees.
2-4. Unpacking
2-5. Checking Unpacked Equipment
a. Inspect the equipment for damage incurred during
Unpacking of the vans will be performed by qualified
ADPE personnel.
shipment. If the equipment has been dam-