TM 11-5895-1412-12&P
The battery pack for the computer (1) can NOT be serviced or replaced by
the user.
Do not attempt to remove the battery pack--damage to the
battery or the computer may occur.
Wipe off the battery pack (5) and (9) to insure that
Remove all dirt, dust, grease or other debr
recharger for serviceability (3), (7), (11)
1 .
it is cl
is when
ean and dry.
The operator is not authorized to perform computer maintenance.
P r i n t e r S e l f T e st
Think-Jet printers have two forms of self test; printing and non-printing.
The non-printing self test checks the CPU, timers, internal and external RAM,
and internal and external ROM.
The test occurs when the power is switched on,
or at the first part of the printing self test. The yellow attention light
blinks twice during the non-printing self test.
If the printer fails the non-printing self test, the processor pins that
control dot firing are used to report the part of the test that failed. Power
to the print head is turned off at this point; dots are not actually fired.
The printing self test can be invoked in two ways. One way is to send an ESC
All data in the buffer is printed, the non-printing self test is executed,
and paper is advanced to the top of the form if it is not already there.
Think-Jet printers execute the not-printers self test, and if the test is
passed print a self test pattern.
The other
button or
way of invoking the printing self test is to press the line feed
the form feed button while switching on power.
Turn off the printer.
Depress and hold the line feed button while turning the printer on.
Release the line feed button to start the self test sequence which
includes a set of printed examples.
The self test may be terminated at any time by turning off the
The printing portion of the test is stopped if one of the following happens:
The test fails because the carriage position is not known,
A device clear command is received, in which case printing stores
immediately and a device clear is executed, or
The power is turned off.