TM 11-5895-1412-12&PDA Pam 25-30DA Pam 738-750SB 11-573TB 43-0118TM 22-6140-203-14-3TM 750-244-2APPENDIX AREFERENCESConsolidated Index of Army Publications and BlankForms.The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS).Painting and Preservation of Supplies Available forField Use of Electronics Command Equipment.Field Instructions for Painting and PreservingCommunications-Electronics Equipment.Operator’s, Organizational, Direct Support, andGeneral Support and Maintenance Manual NonaircraftNickel-Cadmium Batteries.Procedures for Destruction of Electronics Materiel toPrevent Enemy Use (Electronics Command).LIST OF FIELD MANUALSThe following is a list of Field Manuals (FMs) that describe doctrine and whotalks in what nets:a. FMb. FMc. FMd. FMe. FMf. FM11-92 (HTF)Combat Communications Within the Corps11-50 (HTF)Combat Communications Within the Division11-32Combat Radio Operations24-1 (HTF)Combat Communications24-35The SOI24-2Radio Frequency ManagementA-1/(A-2 blank)
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