TM 11-5805-424-15/NAVSHIPS 0967-220-9010/TO 31W2-2G-41
PC assembly are removed through the access
holes in the MX-73(*)/G chassis. PC 80034212
assembly, noting the installation to to be sure it
can now be removed from the can.
is replaced in the same relative position.
(5) To remove PC 80034220, remove the tape that
(3) Remove the top of the crystal oscillator and
secures the excess lead wire to the can. While
oven assembly by unscrewing the screws on
pulling the PC assembly up and out of the can,
each side of the can. Transistor 1A1Q1 is
feed the cable through the bottom.
mounted to this cover; be careful of the wire
connections between the transistor and the PC
assembly, reverse the procedures given in (1)
through (5) above.
(4) To remove the PC assemblies in the crystal
d. Printed-Circuit Card Repairs. Refer to TB SIG
screws that secure each PC assembly to the
222 to replace parts on printed-circuit cards.
side of the can. The two lower screws for each