panel of the converter. Plug the other
BY, and 1500 2300-1800 3000 switch
end of this cord into the high-level
S2 to 1500 2300 position.
(2) With maximum signal being delivered by
audio output termination on the radio
Facsimile Transceiver TT-1(*)/TXC-1,
adjust FREQ. ADJ. control R2 for
N o t e . When Converter CV-2C/TX is
maximum closure of the tuning eye on
used in a radio facsimile circuit, the talk-back
circuit of Facsimile Transceiver TT-1(*)/
Converter CV-2C/TX (+2 db reading
TXC-1 is inoperative. However, carbon
on the DB METER).
Microphone T-17 (or equivalent) and Head-
(3) Operate the SET MIN.-SET MAX.
set HS-30 (or equivalent) are plugged into
switch to the SET MIN. position.
the converter CARBON MIC. and MONI-
TOR jacks, respectively, for voice com-
munication and transmitter control.
TXC-1 to deliver minimum signal. The
tuning eye on the converter should be
at maximum closure. If not, adjust the
transceiver CONTRAST control for max-
located, use shielded two-conductor cable
imum closure.
in place of Cord CD-1019 to connect it
(5) R e t u r n the SET MIN.-SET MAX.
to the radio transmitter.
switch to the SET MAX. position.
(a) If the distance is great, connection to
The tuning eye should be maximum
the radio transmitter must be made
closure with a +2 db reading on the
from the LINE terminals at the rear of
D B METER. If not, readjust the
the converter.
Remove the strap
FREQ. ADJ. control.
that connects the GND terminal and
(6) Operate the SEND-STANDBY switch
the adjacent LINE terminal, and use
to the SEND position.
a telephone line or field wire to connect
(7) Adjust SEND GAIN control R21 on
the output of the converter to the
Converter CV-2C/TX far proper modu-
radio transmitter.
lation of the transmitter.
(b) In either case, the line must be limited
(8) The transceiver and converter now are
to a length which will provide equal
adjusted properly. Proceed as outlined
modulation of the radio transmitter at
the 1,500- or 3,000-cps shift limits.
c. Receiving.
Note. The microphone plugged into the
(1) Operate REC.-SEND switch S1 to the
converter cannot be used when connection
REC. position.
is made from the LINE terminals. A sepa-
(2) Tune in the carrier signal (maximum
under these conditions.
indication on receiver). Adjust the rf
b. Transmitting.
Adjust Facsimile Trans-
and audio controls for a clear signal with
ceiver TT-1(*)/TXC-1 in accordance with the
minimum background noise.
type transmission to be made. Refer to para-
(3) When the transmission begins (maximum
and minimum signals), adjust Facsimile
(1) Operate power ON-OFF switch S4 to
Transceiver TT-1(*)/TXC-1 for normal
the ON position, REC.-SEND switch
S1 to the SEND position, SET MIN.-
(4) If correct contrast cannot be obtained,
SET MAX. switch S5 to SET MAX.,
increase the radio receiver audio output
by advancing the audio gain control.
The exciter unit is used with Converter CV-
2C/TX to permit transmission of frequency-shift
Exciter Unit O-5B/FR is an electronic device
facsimile signals over a cw radiotelegraph trans-
which is used in place of the oscillator section of a
mitter when using Facsimile Set AN/TXC-1(*).
cw transmitter to excite the transmitter with
frequency-shift signals according to a varying dc
Complete information on Exciter Unit O-5B/FR
or audio voltage which is fed into the exciter unit,
is contained in TM 11-2205A.