TM 9-1220-238-14
ponents, screws, nuts, washers, pins, loose rivets or
parts insecurely Fastened.
unit is damaged beyond safe or serviceable limits. Good
3-8. General.
condition is explained further as meaning "not bent or
Preventive maintenance is the systematic care,
twisted, not chafed or burred, not broken or cracked, not
inspection and servicing of equipment to maintain it in
bare or frayed, not dented or collapsed, not torn or cut
serviceable condition, prevent breakdown and to assure
and not deteriorated."
maximum operational readiness The operator's place In
Inspection of the materiel to see that it
the performance of preventive maintenance service is.
is "correctly assembled" or stowed is usually a visual
a. To perform the daily service checks each day
inspection to see if the materiel is in normal condition
the equipment is operated.
and that all parts are present and in proper relative
b. To assist the organizational mechanics in the
performance of any other scheduled periodic services
Inspection of the materiel to determine
if it is "secure" is usually an external or a check by hand
c. To assist the organizational mechanic in the
for looseness. Such inspections must include any
lubrication of the materiel as required.
"Excessively worn" means a unit worn
3-9. Responsibility.
beyond serviceable limits or to a point likely to result in
Operator's and crew chiefs are personally
failure if the unit is not replaced before the next
responsible for assigned equipment. Squad, section
scheduled inspection. Excessive wear of mating parts
and platoon leaders are charged with supervisory
or linkage connection is usually evidenced by too much
responsibility for equipment pertaining to their
backlash or lost motion.
commands. Unit and organization commanders are
c. Any special instructions required for the specific
required to insure that equipment issued or assigned to
mechanisms or parts are contained in the pertinent
their commands are properly maintained In a
serviceable condition and that they are properly cared
Metal parts. Use dry cleaning solvent
for and utilized.
(or equivalent) and a clean lint free cloth to clean metal
parts. Do not apply solvent to rubber, plastic or foam
3-10. Recording Repairs.
Repairs accomplished will be in accordance with
Rubber parts. Clean rubber parts with
procedures and standards prescribed in this manual.
warm water and a mild soap, dry, and apply a light coat
Deficiencies discovered before, during and after
of powdered talcum.
operation that cannot be corrected by the operator shall
Plastic surfaces.
Moisture due to
be entered on DA Form 2024. Deficiencies immediately
corrected by the operator are not recorded, except when
temperature of the material drops below that of the air.
such corrections are made by replacing parts which
Remove by wiping clean with a soft, lint free cloth.
constitute repairs above operational level. Such repairs
Polyethylene foam. Wipe clean with a
shall be recorded as applicable.
damp cloth.
d. General precautions in cleaning are as follows:
3-11. General Procedures for All Services and
a. The following general procedures apply to
Dry cleaning solvents (or equivalent)
operator's (assisting the organizational mechanic) on
are flammable and should not be used near an open
preventive maintenance services and all inspections.
flame. Fire extinguishers shall be provided when
b. Inspection to see if all items are in good
these materials are used. Also, be certain cleaning
condition, correctly assembled or stowed, secure, not
excessively worn, not leaking and adequately lubricated,
occurs only in well ventilated areas. Failure to
apply to most items in the preventive maintenance and
observe these precautions could result in serious
inspection procedures. Any or all of the checks that are
injury or loss of life.
pertinent to board plotting, M18 with equipment
Cleaners of this nature normally
(including supporting, attaching or connecting members)
evaporate quickly and have a drying effect on the
will be performed automatically, as general procedures,
skin. Use
in addition to any specific procedures given.
Inspection for "good condition" is usually
an external visual inspection to determine whether the