TM 9-1220-238-14
k. Lift the hinged cover attached to the chest body
h. Grasp the platform assembly (fig. 1-2) at the hand
supports (fig. 1-2) and remove the scale assembly from
cutouts on the sides and lift it out of the chest body
the foam insert located on the bottom of the chest.
Place it temporarily, top side up, on the inside of the
Install the anchor bracket (fig. 1-1) of the scale
chest cover removed in b above.
assembly by engaging the anchor assembly pin and
i. Clean the inner surface of the support bearing with
clamping thumbscrew in the support assembly mounting
a soft cloth to remove any dust or dirt. Lift the frame
bracket bushings. After checking that the clamping
assembly, with disk attached, out of the chest and install
thumbscrew and locknut is free, tighten the clamping
and aline the frame assembly on the support assembly
thumbscrew finger tight (fig. 2-1) Shake the upper
Check to be certain there is no dirt in the threaded
connecting links of the scale assembly gently to be
center hole of the frame assembly adapter Release the
certain the assembly is secure. Check that the clamping
brake lever by compressing it and allow the frame
thumbscrew is still finger tight, then tighten the locknut
assembly to seat
l. Remove dust and dirt from all interior surfaces
j. Remove the stowed spindle assembly from the
of the carrying chest, close the hinged cover and
foam insert on the platform Wipe the spindle and
replace the chest platform assembly in the chest body.
threads with a soft cloth to remove all dirt and dust Slide
Replace the chest cover on the chest body and turn the
the spindle assembly (fig. 1-1) upward through the
latch wing keys 1/2 turn clockwise to lock cover in place
support bearing and thread the spindle assembly into
Store the carrying chest In a clean, dry place.
the frame assembly adapter by rotating the spindle
clockwise Use the handle In the lower end of the spindle
assembly to facilitate tightening Do not tighten the
spindle assembly excessively.