TM 9-1220-238-14
OP1 = 6,083 meters
(2) Plot the various OP's and then lay off the
OP2 = 8,733 meters
azimuth through each OP.
OP3 = 8,888 meters
The Azimuths are as follows:
OP4 = 5,720 meters
OP 1 = 84 mils
Note: When the angle of the target for two outside
OP 2 = 511 mils
observation posts is less than 250 mils, the board is
OP3 = 836 mils
used only as check for locations computed from these
OP 4 =1,167 mils
two observation posts
(3) These lines should intersect at a point, the
(5) Check function of board plotting with a
theoretical problem If components cannot be alined
properly or malfunction exists after these checks and
X = 26,500.0; Y = 16,050 0
maintenance personnel
(4) The range as measured from each OP should
be as follows: