TM 55-4920-413-13&P
Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope
This manual describe Line Test Set/Vertical
Instrument Display System (VIDS) (Figure 1-1 and
provides instructions for operation, aviation unit and
intermediate maintenance. It includes instruction for
operation and replacement of parts available to the
operator, aviation unit and intermediate repairmen. The
aviation unit and intermediate maintenance repair parts
and special tools list is in Appendix C.
1-2. Maintenance Forms, Records, and Reports.
Department of the Army forms and procedures used
for equipment maintenance are those prescribed by DA
PAM 738-751.
1-3. Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent
Enemy Use.
Refer to TM 750-244-2, Procedures for Destruction of
Electronic Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use.
1-4. Preparation for Storage or Shipment.
For administrative storage, refer to TM 55-1500-204-
25/1, and Chapter 4.
1-5. Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/AC).
Refer to FM 55-411 for information about quality
assurance and quality control.
1-6. Equipment Improvement Recommendations
EIR can and must be sumitted by anyone who is aware
of an unsatisfactory condition with the equipment design
or use. It is not necessary to show a new design or list a
better way to do a procedure; just simply tell why the
design is unfavorable of why a procedure is difficult. EIR
may be submitted on SF 368 (Quality Deficiency
Report). Mail directly to Commander, US Army Aviation
and Troop Command, ATTN:
Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798. A reply
will be furnished to you.
1-7. Purpose and Use.
Line Test Set/vertical Instrument Display\System
(VIDS) provides the necessary power, inputs, controls
and displays to operate and test the Vertical Instrument
Display System. The control, mounted on the Line Test
Set, allow the operator to select simulated signals and
specific test conditions required for maintenance of the
test set.
1-8. Description.
a. The Line Test Set, Vertical Instrument Display
System is a box-shaped unit having a front panel on
which are mounted controls, indicators, connectors, and
fuses a cover attached to the rear of the test set has a slot
opening for storage of test and power cables. It is housed
in a fiber glass, rectangular light weight case. The case
consists of top and bottom sections hinged together so that
the two sections may be separated. The bottom section
has two rectangular bars to store the power and test
1-9. Equipment Data.
Refer to Table 1-1 for equipment data.
Table 1-1, Equipment Data
AC voltage input
115 vac, single-phase, 400 Hz
DC voltage input
28 ± 0.5 vdc
All necessary ac and dc power
and control voltages and
simulated signals for the
parameter to be tested.
39 cm (15.38 inches)
37.8cm (14.88 inches)
24.8cm (9.76 inches)
11.7 kg (26lbs)
Change 2 1-1/(1-2 blank)