TM 11-5815-246-34P
PD Support
T h i s manual lists repair parts and special tools
equipment, procured for initial
r e q u i r e d for the performance of direct support,
g e n e r a l support, and depot maintenance of the
for subsequent or additional initial
A N / T X C - 1 C , and AN/TXC-1D. The PCCN for
t o automatic replenishment.
the equipment is GCWANT for all models.
P E -- Support equipment procured and
s t o c k e d for initial issue or out-
This repair parts and special tools list is divided
f i t t i n g to specified maintenance
into the following sections:
repair activities.
PF Support equipment which will not be
r e p a i r parts authorized for the performance of
stocked but which will be centrally
maintenance at the direct support, general
p r o c u r e d on demand.
support, and depot level. This repair parts list is
PG Item procured and stocked to provide
a r r a n g e d in alphabetical order.
for sustained support for the life of
b. Special Tools, Test and Support Equip-
the equipment. It is applied to an
item peculiar to the equipment
m e n t - S e c t i o n I I I . Not applicable.
w h i c h b e c a u s e o f probable
c. I n d e x -- F e d e r a l S t o c k N u m b e r a n d
Reference Number Cross-Reference To Figure and
discontinuance or shutdown of
I t e m Number--Section IV. A
list, in
p r o d u c t i o n facilities would prove
numerical sequence, of all Federal stock numbers
uneconomical to reproduce at a
appearing in the listings, followed by a list, in
later time.
alphanumeric sequence, of all reference numbers
KD An item of depot overhaul/repair kit
a p p e a r i n g in the listings. Federal stock number
and not purchased separately.
a n d reference numbers are cross-referenced to
D e p o t kit defined as a kit that
each illustration figure and item number or
provides items required at the time
r e f e r e n c e designation appearance.
of overhaul or repair.
KF An item of a maintenance kit. and not
1-3. Explanation of
purchased separately. Main-
The following provides an explanation of columns
t e n a n c e kit defined as a kit that
found in the tabular list.
p r o v i d e s an i t e m t h a t c a n b e
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
replaced at organizational or direct
Codes (SM ).
s u p p o r t or general support levels
(1) S o u r c e c o d e . Indicates the manner of
o f maintenance.
acquiring support items for maintenance, repair,
KB Item included in both a depot
or overhaul of end items. Source codes are --
o v e r h a u l / r e p a i r kit and a main-
tenance kit.
P A -- Item procured and stocked for an-
MOItem to be manufactured or
f a b r i c a t e d at organizational level.
t i c i p a t e d or known usage.
P B Item procured and stocked for in-
MF Item to be manufactured or
fabricated at direct support
maintenance level.
essentiality d i c t a t e s t h a t a
m i n i m u m quantity be available in
MH-- Item to be manufactured or
fabricated at general support
t h e supply systems.
maintenance level.
PC Item procured and stocked and which
otherwise would be coded PA
MDItem to be manufactured or
f a b r i c a t e d at depot maintenance
e x c e p t that it is deteriorative in