The transmitting circuit is established but
Selector switch (S1)-Continued
impulses are not sent over the line.
This position is used when the operator is
engaged in setting the contrast range (wedge)
for transmitting a specific piece of copy.
Note. Since the transceiver is disconnected from the line
when the selector switch is at SET RANGE, some method
must be used to avoids disconnect when operating with a
commercial line. A telephone set across the line or a special
telephone key will hold the line (fig. 11). A dry line, one
not normally used with signaling, will not be rung off.
STANDAY. . . . . . . . . . . . The tubes are kept ready for operation of the
This is the normal setting
during the periods when copy is not actually
being transmitted or received.
R E C O R D PHOTO... . . The receiving circuit is established to use the
recorder lamp, which causes recording of
received copy on photographic paper. This
switch position is, used to set the gain and
phase the receiving transceiver. A raised
portion of the selector switch name plate
enables the operator to set the switch at
RECORD PHOTO in the darkroom.
R E C O R D DIRECT. . The receiving circuit is established to use the
stylus instead of the recording lamp. The
stylus causes recording of received copy on
direct recording paper or other electro-
sensitive paper. Moving the selector switch
to RECORD DIRECT position mechani-
tally moves the stylus into contact with the
paper on the drum.
RECORD DIRECT positions, automatic end-of-copy
stop relay K1 remains energized if limit switch S8 has
been thrown. It is necessary to switch to STANDBY or
ceiver TT-1F/TXC-1.
This is a nonlocking, multipole, push-button switch. When pressed, this
S T A R T button (S4) (Facsimile Trans-
button momentarily applies power to the start winding of the motor
ceivers TT-1/TXC-1, TT-1A/TXC-1,
and the motor is operated above its normal operating speed. When the
TT-1B/TXC-1, TT-1C/TXC-1 and TT-
START button is released, the motor slows down to its normal operating
1D/TXC-1 only).
speed and continues to operate at that speed.
Caution: The motor of
Facsimile Transceiver TT-1B/TXC-1 or
TT-1C/TCX-1 is at synchronous speed only when the 1,800-cycle tone
can be heard from the motor laminations.
PHASE button (S3) (Facsimile Trans-
This is a nonlocking, multipole, push-button switch. The receiving oper-
ceivers TT-1/TXC-1, TT-1A/TXC-1,
ator presses this button to energize the phasing circuit of the receiving
TT-1B/TXC-1, TT-1C/TXC-1 and TT-
transceiver, while the transmitting operator is sending phasing pulses.
1D/TXC-1 only).
The operation assures that both transmitting and receiving drums are
in the same position at the same instant. Once the relatively short
phasing operation is completed, the machines will remain synchronized
because both drums are driven by motors running at the same speed.
START-PHASE switch (S3) (Facsimile
I n Facsimile Transceivers TT-1D/TXC-1, TT-1E/TXC-1, and TT-
T r a n s c e i v e r s TT-1D/TXC-1, TT-1E/
1F/TXC-1, the functions of the START switch (S4 in previous models)
TXC-1, and TT-1F/TXC-1 only).
and the PHASE switch (S3 in previous models) have beeh combined into
one, which is START-PHASE switch S3 (fig. 15). It is a three-position,
nonlocking, lever-type switch which is spring-loaded to return to neutral
when released from the START or PHASE position. The operator
throws the START-PHASE switch to the START position momen-
tarily to apply power to the start winding to bring the motor above the
normal operating speed. When switch S3 is released, the 1,800 cps is