UC coupling coil.
are increased in power by the motor amplifier
b. Talk-Back Circuit. Facsimile Set AN/TXC-1
Facsimile Transceivers TT-1B/TXC-1
includes no talk-back circuit. Communication be-
tween transmitting and receiving operators is by
means of external telephones, which may use the
type start motor that operates from a 115-volt,
same wire or radio circuit as the facsimile equip-
60-cps source supplied by Rectifier Power Unit,
ment. All models of Facsimile Set AN/TXC-1A
PP-86A/TXC-1, PP-86B/TXC-1, or PP-86E/
originally were produced with a built-in loud-
Facsimile Transceivers TT-1/TXC-1
speaker serving as both microphone and loud-
and TT-1A/TXC-1 originally used start motors
speaker, the change-over of function being accom-
that operated from a 9-volt, 60-cps supply,
plished by a STANDBY-MON-TALK switch on
applied when the START button on the trans-
the front panel. All models of Facsimile Set
Starting voltage for these
ceiver is pressed.
AN/TXC-1A modified by MWO SIG 11-375B-(1)
contain a jack into which an external Loudspeaker
PP-86/TXC-1. All of the 9-volt KBA-1 motors
LS-11 may be plugged to improve the quality of
in Facsimile Transceivers TT-1/TXC-1
TT-1A/TXC-1 were replaced with 115-volt ac
details of this modification. All models of Fac-
simile Sets AN/TXC-1B, -1C, and -1D have only
used in the later models, and Rectifier Power
the external Loudspeaker LS-11. The built-in
Unit PP-86/TXC-1 was modified to supply the
115-volt starting voltage. These modifications
Transceiver TT-1A/TXC-1 have been eliminated.
were accomplished by application of MWO
The STANDBY-MON-TALK switch is used on
SIG 11-2258-2, Modification of Facsimile Sets
AN/TXC-1 and AN/TXC-1A to Eliminate Motor
Motors on all four
c. Synchronous Motor.
and Tube Failure and to Improve Voltage
equipments are interchangeable mechanically,
but motor parts are not interchangeable. All are
of resistors and capacitors in Facsimile Set
synchronous motors, controlled by an 1,800-cps
AN/TXC-1 were based on old standards. The