TM 55-4920-413-13&P
(6) Disconnect positive lead from loop 1 and connect to
(8) Disconnect positive lead from loop 18 and connect to
loop 19. Digital voltmeter will indicate between -33 and 41
loop 46. Digital voltmeter will indicate between 11.5 and 12.5
vdc. If not, perform Troubleshooting Table 4-6.
vdc. If not, perform Troubleshooting Table 4-6.
(7) Disconnect positive lead from loop 19 and connect to
(9) Disconnect positive lead from loop 46 and connect to
loop 18. Digital voltmeter will indicate between 11.5 and 12.5
loop 13. Digital voltmeter will indicate between -11.5 and
vdc. If not, perform Troubleshooting Table 4-6.
-12.5 vdc. If not, perform Troubleshooting Table 4-6.
Table 4-6. Troubleshooting Power Supply Circuit (AVIM).
Before performing troubleshooting, remove power supply Al board and reconnect using extender board.
Probable Cause
No AC inputs to Al board
Fuse F1, S1, T1 Transformer
Replace defective components,
Figure 4-4, 4-5, FO-1, FO-5, or
replace Al board.
5 VFL NO 1 and NO 2 vdc reading
NO 1 (R3)
(R3) or (R6) are Fixed Resistors use
out of tolerance
NO 2 (R6)
decade Resistor Box, and check or
replace, Figures 4-4, 4-5, FO-1, FO-5
or replace A1 board.
5 VFL NO 1 and NO 2 no vdc or
NO 1 CR1, C7, U1
Replace defective components,
shows excessive reading after trim
NO 2 CR2, C8, U2
Figures 4-4, 4-5, FO-1, FO-5 or
resistors (R3) or (R6) checked or
replace A1 board.
15 vdc reading out of tolerance
CR4, R8, CR6, C6, C13
Replace defective components,
Figures 4-4, 4-5, FO-1, FO-5 or
replace A1 board.
15 vdc
CR3, R7, CR5
Replace defective components,
vdc reading out of tolerance
C9, C10
Figures 4-4, 4-5, FO-1, FO-5 or
replace Al board.
37 vdc
CR4, CR6, C3, R8
Replace defective components,
vdc reading out of tolerance
C6, C13
Figures 4-4, 4-5, FO-1, FO-5 or
replace Al board.
37 vdc
CR3, R7, CR5
Replace defective components,
vdc reading out of tolerance
C9, C10
Figures 4-4, 4-5, FO-1, FO-5 or
replace A1 board.
12 vdc NO 1 and NO 2
Adjust (R18) or (R19)
vdc reading out of tolerance
if defective use decade resistor box
check or replace, Figure 4-4, 4-5,
FO-1, FO-5
12 vdc NO 1 and NO 2
NO 1 Q2, U3, CR7, CR1O
Replace defective components,
vdc reading out of tolerance after
NO 2 Ql, U4, CR7, CR1O
figures 4-4, 4-5, FO-1, FO-5 or
trim resistors (R19) or (R18)
replace A1 board.
(R19) or (R18) checked or replaced
12 vdc NO 1 and NO 2
NO 1 C14, C29, U3, C21, C19,
Replace defective components,
no vdc or shows excessive reading
C25, R1O
Figures 4-4, 4-5, FO-1, FO-5 or
after trim resistors checked or
NO 2 U4, C28, C20, C18, C24,
replace A1 board.
C20, R9
-12 vdc
Adjust (R20) if defective use decade
vdc reading out of tolerance
resistor box and check or replace,
Figures 4-4, 4-5, FO-1, FO-5 or
replace Al board.
12 vdc
U5, CR8, CR9
Replace defective components,
vdc reading out of tolerance after
Figures 4-4, 4-5, FO-1, FO-5 or
trim resistor (R20) checks or
replace Al board.
12 vdc
C26, R23, C27, C25, C22, C23,
Replace defective components,
no vdc reading out or shows
U5, R11
Figures 4-4, 4-5, FO-1, FO-5 or
excessive reading after trim resistor
replace A1 board.