Observe all cautions, and warnings on contain-
ers when using consumables. When applicable,
wear necessary protective gear during han-
dling and use. If a consumable is flammable or
explosive MAKE CERTAIN the consumable
and its vapors are kept away from heat,
sparks, and flame. MAKE CERTAIN the
helicopter is properly grounded and firefight-
ing equipment is readily available prior to use.
4-4. Cleaning Instructions.
a. Remove dust and loose dirt with a clean, soft cloth.
(Item 4, Appendix D).
b. Remove grease, fungus, and ground-in dirt with
cloth dampened with dry-cleaning solvent, (Item 3,
Appendix D).
TM 55-4920-410-13&P
Remove moisture with a dry cloth.
Repainting and Refinishing instructions.
Refer to TB 746-10, Field Instructions for
Painting and Preserving Electronics
Repaint test set using these colors:
(1) Case (Exterior). Finish with two coats of yellow
baked enamel, (Item 1, Appendix D).
(2) Front Panel. Retouch using instrument black
enamel, (Item 2, Appendix D).
Section IV. Maintenance and Replacement of Authorized Parts
4-6. General.
a. The only authorized replacement of parts by aviation
unit personnel (AVUM) is indicated in Appendix B, Main-
tenance Allocation Chart, or as indicated in paragraphs
4-7 thru 4-10.
b. Authorized repair of the Analyzer Test Set by Avi-
ation Intermediate Maintenance (ATST) personnel is indi-
cated in Appendix B, Maintenance Allocation Chart.
Aviation Intermediate Maintenance. Area
TMDE Support Team (ATST) will perform the
only authorized AVIM level of maintenance.
This includes replacement and repair of com-
ponents and end items which can be accom-
plished efficiently with available skills, tools,
and test equipment. Evacuate circuit boards,
components, and end items beyond repair
capability of ATST to the Depot.
4-7. Indicator Lamp Replacement.
a. Unscrew bezel (Figure 4-1) from light assembly.
b. Using a pushing and twisting motion, free bayo-
net base of lamp from light assembly.
c. Using a pushing and twisting motion, install
bayonet base of replacement lamp into light assembly.
d. Screw bezel onto light assembly.
If lamp does not light now, trouble is in front
panel. Send test set to higher level main-
4-8. Knob Replacement.
a. Loosen screw holding knob to shaft.
b. Slide knob off shaft.
c. When placing new knob on shaft, make certain
knob is fully on shaft before tightening screw.
4-9. Cable Assembly.
Remove cable assembly from test set case and
send to higher maintenance.
4-10. Lubrication.
No lubrication is required.
Performance checks are performed with single
phase 115 vat, 400 Hz power and 28 vdc.