TM 55-4920-410-13&P
Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope.
This manual contains operator, aviation unit main-
tenance and aviation intermediate maintenance instruc-
tions for System Analyzer Test Set, Type 60B63-5A
(here in after referred to as the test set) (Figure 1-1). It in-
cludes instruction for operation and replacement of
parts available to the operators and AVUM/AVIM
repairman. The repair parts and special test list is in Ap-
pendix C.
1-2. Maintenance Forms, Records, and Reports.
Department of the Army forms and procedures used
for equipment maintenance are those prescribed by
DA PAM 738-751.
1-3. Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent
Enemy Use.
Refer to TM 750-244-2, Procedure for Destruction
of Electronic Material to Prevent Enemy Use.
1-4. Preparation for Storage or Shipment.
For administrative storage, refer to TM 55-
1500-204-25/1, AR 750-1, and Chapter 4.
1-7. Purpose and USe.
The test set is designed for flight line checkout on a
helicopter ac power generating system. The test set is
used to monitor the major components of the ac power
generating system.
1-8. Description.
The test set consists of a test panel mounted in a
combination case. The front face of the test panel
contains lamps, switches, and connectors. The top of
the combination case is removable and contains a
storage area for an interconnection cable, two wrenches
and a grounding cable. The interior of the test panel
1-5. Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/
Refer to FM 55-411 for information about quality
assurance and quality control.
1-6. Equipment Improvement
Recommendations (EIR).
EIR can and must be submitted
aware of an unsatisfactory condition
by anyone who is
with the equipment
design or use. It is not necessary to show a new design or
list a better way to do a procedure; just simply tell why
the design is unfavorable or why a procedure is difficult.
EIR may be submitted on SF 368 (Quality Deficiency
Report). Mail directly to Commander, US Army Aviation
Systems Command, ATTN: AMSAV-QRF, 4300 Good-
fellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798. A reply will be
furnished to you.
contains four plug-in circuit cards, relays, and a volt-
age regulator.
The test set is interconnected, between the ac gener-
ator of the ac power generating system and its associ-
ated voltage regulator, using the cables provided.
During generator testing, the internal regulator con-
trols the ac generator while the controls and indicators
on the test panel monitor the operation of the ac
generator. During regulator testing (using a known
good ac generator), the controls and indicators on the
front panel check the various regulation and control
function of the regulator. Using a switch on the front
panel, the regulator response can be checked during
simulated system faults. Lamps on the front panel
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