TM 11-7440-278-23P
Hottel Model CH20-4-08) (KECO Model F18H-4), 230 V,
d. National stock numbers (NSN's) that are missing
1 Phase, 50-60 Hertz (Trane Model MAC6H18-230-
from P source coded items have been applied for and
1201-01) (KECO Model F18H).
will be added to this TM by future change/revision when
they are entered in the Army Master Data File (AMDF).
TM 5-4120-243-24P, Air Conditioner, Horizontal
Until the NSN's are established and published, submit
Compact: 18,000 BTU (Trane Models) 208 V, 3 Phase,
exception requisitions to:
Commander, US Army
50/60 HZ (Model MAC6H18-208-1201-02); 208V, 3
Phase, 400 HZ (Model MAC 4H18-108-1201-03); 208 V,
DRSEL-MM, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703 for the part
1 Phase 50/60 HZ (Model MAC6H18-230-1201-01);
required to support your equipment.
(Harvey W. Hottel Models) 208 V, 3 Phase, 50/60 HZ
(Model CH 20-6-08); 208 V, 3 Phase, 400 HZ (Model
How to Locate Repair Parts
CH-20-4-08) Phase, 50/60 HZ and (KECO Model F18H-
4), 208V, 3 Phase, 400 HZ.
a. When National stock number or part number is
TM 5-4120-308-15, Air Conditioner, Compact Vertical:
208V, 3 Phase 50/60 Hertz, 18,000 BTU Cooling, 12,000
(1) First. Using the table of contents,
BTU Heating American Air Filter Model CH620-2) and
determine the functional group within which the item
(KECO Industries, Inc. Model F18T-2).
belongs. This is necessary since illustrations are
prepared for functional groups and listings are divided
TM 5-4120-308-25P, Air Conditioner, Compact Vertical:
into the same groups.
208V, 3 Phase 50/60 Hertz, 18,000 BTU cooling, 12,000
BTU Heating (KECO Industries, Inc., Model F18T-2).
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering the
functional group to which the item belongs.
TM 11-5805-201-12, Telephone Set TA-312/PT.
(3) Third. Identify the item on the illustration
TM 11-5805-201-20P, Telephone Set TA312/PT.
and note the illustration figure and item number of the
TM 11-5805-201-34P, Telephone Set TA-312/PT.
(4) Fourth. Using the Repair Parts Listing,
TM 11-5830-221-12, Intercommunications Stations LS-
find the figure and item number noted on the illustration.
147A/FI, LS-147B/FI, LS-147C/FI and LS-147D/FI.
b. When National stock number or part number is
TM 11-5803-221-24P,
(1) First. Using the Index of National Stock
TM 11-5830-221-35, Intercommunication Stations LS-
Numbers and Part Numbers, find the pertinent National
147A/FI, LS -47B/FI, LS-147C/FI and LS-147D/FI.
stock number or part number. This index is in NIIN
sequence followed by a list of part numbers in
TM 11-7440-278-14, Data Analysis Services Support
alphameric sequence, cross-referenced to the illustration
Systems AN/MYK-8(V)1 and (V)3.
figure number and item number.
(2) Second. After finding the figure and item
number, locate the figure and item number in the repair
parts list.
Not applicable.
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