TM 11-5895-1412-12&P
Up to 6 retransmissions (retrans #1 thru #6) per net can be entered with a 10
MHz separation from its corresponding net. Also, an alternate net will be
separated from the corresponding net by 10MHz. The special net plan must be
used to provide a 10MHz separation between a RETRANS net and an alternate net.
If a retrans net or alternate net is used, identify the corresponding net
number (1-1500).
Do not use a retransmission net or corresponding primary in
a reuse plan.
The CORRES NET NO. (corresponding net) column is used only if the net is an
The net number used refers to the NET DES NO.
of the PRImary net to which it corresponds.
The RESTRICTIONS column is used to enter the frequency restrictions that have
been placed on the net.
Up to eight of the 16 restrictions may be applied to
a given net.
The restrictions are entered using the letters in the range A-P.
Each letter identifies the explanation of how the net is to be restricted.
For example, A may indicate the net must communicate with aircraft.
In the CL column enter the class number the net may be assigned to as part of
a reuse plan.
A class is a grouping of up to 20 zones. The total frequency
requirement for a class equals the number of nets in the largest zone.
class may be a number 1-10.
In the ZN column enter the zone number the net may be assigned to as part of a
reuse plan.
A zone is a group of nets in which an assigned frequency cannot
be repeated within that group for the same time period. Each zone can contain
200 nets.
The zone may be a number 1-20.
In the CALL SIGN column enter whether or not the net is to receive a call sign
(enter yes or no).
A call sign is a three-character combination of letter-
number-letter used to identify a command, activity unit or element in
establishing and maintaining communications.
All units and nets are to
receive call signs with the exception of certain administrative nets i.e.
range control or MEDEVAC.
In the HOP NET column enter whether or not the net uses frequency hopping
radios (enter yes or no).
A frequency hopping radio is a radio in which
the operating frequencies hop around.
The frequencies do not stay fixed at
one point.
Entering a yes means that the net receives two frequencies, a
cue and a manual.
If a net is a hopping net then it receives a Net ID Number
(000-999) .
In the C/S SHARE GROUP column indicate whether or not the net is to be part of
a call sign share group.
All nets within the same call sign share group are
assigned the same call sign for each time period (HHC will not normally
Each share group has a different number. If the net is to be part of
a share group, enter in the column the share group number to which the net is
to belong.
Up to 99 groups may be entered.
In the FREQ SHARE GROUP column indicate whether or not the net is to be part
of a frequency share group.
All nets within the same frequency share group
are assigned the same-frequency each time period.
Each share
different number.
If the net is to be part of a share group,
column the share group number to which the net is to belong.
may be entered.
group has a
enter in the
Up to 99 groups