TM 11-5895-1412-12&P
The Master Net List is used to enter: Net Description, Net ID, Frequency Type,
Net Type, Corresponding Net, Restrictions, Class, Zone, Call Signs and Hopnet
A description of each of the Master Net List entries follows.
Net Description Number (NET DES NO.) is the first column of the matrix. The
numbers increase in sequential order as you proceed down the list. This
number is used as the reference number for each of the nets when entering Net
Groups (see Section VI, Net Group Design), Cosite Groups (see Section IV,
Cosite Plan), Call Sign Sharing Plan and Frequency Sharing Plan (see Section
VIII, Frequency and Call Sign Sharing Plan) and Special Nets (see Section V,
Special Nets Plan).
Up to 1500 nets may be entered in the list with net
numbers 1201 to 1500 used for corps merge on div or a lower subgeneration.
The nets may be entered in command echelon (corps, division, BDE, etc.)
The NET DESCRIPTION column is used to enter the descriptors for the nets to be
included into the completed SOI.
The description is a unit description of the
type of net i.e. 1st BDE CMD. Up to 1500 net names, each up to 16 characters
long may be entered.
The following characters may be used as part of the net
letters A - Z, digits O - 9, &, (, ), - and/. See List of
Abbreviations, page 1-3 for a list of BECS abbreviations and terms. You
should leave blank lines to allow for insertion of additional units if
Also, adding spares to the list should be considered.
The NET ID NO. column is used to enter the three digit number (000-999) to be
used as a NET ID with SINCGARS radio(s) (in frequency hopping mode). The NET
ID number is used in the SINCGARS radios as an identifier.
It designates the
frequency within the hopset on which to start hopping. You should allow for
spare NET IDs.
NET IDs are reserved as follows:
000-099 reserved for Theater/Joint Level
100-299 reserved for Corps/Service Component Level
300-999 reserved for Division and lower/Service Component
Headquarters Level
The FREQ BAND column is used to enter the frequency band to be used by the
Specify the band using LF, HF, FM, AM, UHF or EXTRA (see Section II,
Frequencies, page G-5 and General Information, page G-3 for radio frequency
An entry of no frequency (NO F) is permissible. If a fixed
frequency is required for the net, enter the frequency value in MHz. The
fixed frequency value must also be entered into the correct band when in the
frequency input section.
The NET TYPES column is used to enter one of the following net types:
Primary Net (PRI)
Alternate Net (ALT)
Retransmission Net RTS)
A PRIMARY net is used under normal mode operating conditions. An ALTERNATE
net is used when the PRIMARY net communications cannot be maintained due to
jamming or interference.
A RETRANS net is assigned to a retransmission (radio
relay) operation.
An alternate net and a retransmission net normally
corresponds to the command net.
If anything other than PRI is used as a net
type, a corresponding net must be given.