Section I INTRODUCTION - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0004Maintenance code - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0005Recoverability code - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0006Explanation of Columns (Section IV and V)Figure 1. Modem, Digital Data MD-1094/G (3) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 1. Modem, Digital Data MD-1094/G (3) (Sheet 2 of 2)GROUP 01 MODEM,DIGITAL DATAFigure 2. Mixer Preamp/VCO Buffer Module (3A1) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 2. Mixer Preamp/VCO Buffer Module (3A1) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 2. Mixer Preamp/VCO Buffer Module (3A1) (Sheet 3 of 3)GROUP 0101 MIXER PREAMP/VCO BUFFERFigure 3. RF Amp Board No. 1 Circuit Card Card Assembly (3A1A1)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0016Figure 4. Mixer Preamp Board No. 2 Circuit Card Assembly (3A1A2) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4. Mixer Preamp Board No. 2 Circuit Card Assembly (3A1A2) (Sheet 2 of 2)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0019Figure 5. VCO Buffer Circuit Card Assembly (3A1A3) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 5. VCO Buffer Circuit Card Assembly (3A1A3), (Sheet 2 of 2)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0022Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0023Figure 6. Video Amplifier Circuit Card Assembly (3A2) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 6. Video Amplifier Circuit Card Assembly (3A2) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 6. Video Amplifier Circuit Card Assembly (3A2) (Sheet 3 of 3)GROUP 0102 VIDEO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0027GROUP 0102 VIDEO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0028Figure 7. Oscillator Chain Module (3A3) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 7. Oscillator Chain Module (3A3) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 7. Oscillator Chain Module (3A3) (Sheet 3 of 3)GROUP 0103 OSCILLATOR CHAIN MODULEFigure 8. Oscillator Chain/Module Board No. 1 Circuit Card Assembly (3A3A1) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 8. Oscillator Chain/Module Board No. 1 Circuit Card Assembly (3A3A1) (Sheet 2 of 2)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0035Figure 9. Oscillator Chain Module Board No. 2 Circuit Card Assembly (3A3A2)) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 9. Oscillator Chain Module Board No. 2 Circuit Card Assembly (3A3A2) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 9. Oscillator Chain Module Board No. 2 Circuit Card Assembly (3A3A2) (Sheet 3 of 3)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0039Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0040Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0041Figure 10. Timing Interface Circuit Card Assembly (3A5) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 10. Timing Interface Circuit Card Assembly (3A5) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 10. Timing Interface Circuit Card Assembly (3A5) (Sheet 3 of 3)GROUP 0105 TIMING INTERFACE CIRCUIT - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0045GROUP 0105 TIMING INTERFACE CIRCUIT - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0046Figure 11. Decoder Circuit Card Assembly (3A6)GROUP 0106 DECODER CIRCUIT CARDFigure 12. Power Supply Module (PA10) (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 12.. Power Supply Module (3A10) (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 12. Power Supply Module (3A10) (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 12. Power Supply Module (3A10) (Sheet 4 of 4)GROUP 0110 POWER SUPPLY MODULEFigure 13. Power Supply Board No. 2 Circuit Card Assembly (3A10A1) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 13. Power Supply Board No. 2 Circuit Card Assembly (3A10A1) (Sheet 2 of 2)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0056Figure 14. Power Supply Wiring Harness (3A10A1A1) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 14. Power Supply Wiring Harness (3A10A1A1) (Sheet 2 of 2)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0059Figure 15. Power Supply Board No. 1 Circuit Card Assembly (3A10A2) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 15. Power Supply Board No. 1 Circuit Card Assembly (3A10A2) (Sheet 2 of 2)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0062Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0063Figure 16. Standby Clock Memory Module (3A12)GROUP 0112 STANDBY CLOCK MEMORYFigure 17. Standby Clock Memory Circuit Card Assembly (3A12A2) (sheet 1of 2)Figure 17. Standby Clock Memory Circuit Card Assembly (3A12A2) (sheet 2 of 2)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0068Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0069Figure 18. Capacitor Board No. 2 Circuit Card Assembly (3A12A1)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0071Figure 19. Chassis Assembly (3A13) (Sheet 2 of 2) - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0072Figure 19. Chassis Assembly (3A13) (Sheet 2 of 2) - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0073Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0074Figure 20. Chassis Subassembly (3A13) (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 20. Chassis Subassembly (3A13) (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 20. Chassis Subassembly (3A13) (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 20. Chassis Subassembly (3A13) (Sheet 4 of 4)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0079Figure 21. Right Panel Assembly (3A13)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0081Figure 22. Right Side Chassis (3A13)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0083Figure 23. Left Panel Assembly (3A13)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0085Figure 24. Left Side Chassis (3A13)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0087Figure 25. Indicator Light Wiring Harness (3A13)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0089Figure 26. Rear Panel Assembly (3A13A1) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 26. Rear Panel Assembly (3A13A1) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 26. Rear Panel Assembly (3A13A1) (Sheet 3 of 3)GROUP 011301 REAR PANEL ASSEMBLYFigure 27. Backplane Circuit Card Assembly (3A13A1A2)GROUP 01130101 BACKPLANE CURCUITFigure 28. Power Harness (3A13A2)GROUP 011302 POWER HARNESS (3A13A2)Figure 29. Power Circuit Card Assembly (3A13A3)GROUP 011303 POWER CIRCUIT CARDFigure 30. Fan Assembly (3A13A4)GROUP 011304 FAN ASSEMBLY (3A13A4)Figure 31. Memory Unit (3A14)GROUP 0114 MEMORY UNIT 13A14)Figure 32. Control, Modem, Digital Data C-10812/G (4) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 32. Control, Modem, Digital Data C-10812/G (4) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 32. Control, Modem, Digital Data C-0812/G (4) (Sheet 3 of 3)GROUP 02 CONTROL, MODEM, DIGITAL DATAFigure 33. CPU Circuit Card Assembly (4A1) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 33. CPU Circuit Card Assembly (4A1) (Sheet 2 of 2)GROUP 0201 CPU CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLYFigure 34. Display Circuit Card Assembly (4A2)GROUP 0202 DISPLAY CIRCUIT CARDFigure 35. Memory Circuit Card Assembly (4A3) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 35. Memory Circuit Card Assembly (4A3) (Sheet 2 of 2)GROUP 0203 MEMORY CIRCUIT CARDFigure 36. I/O Circuit Card Assembly (4A4) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 36. I/O Circuit Card Assembly (4A4) (Sheet 2 of 2)GROUP 0204 I/O CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLYFigure 37. Interface Circuit Card Assembly (4A5) (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 37. Interface Circuit Card Assembly (4A5) (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 37. Interface Circuit Card Assembly (4A5) (Sheet 3 of 3)GROUP 0205 INTERFACE CIRCUIT CARD - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0122GROUP 0205 INTERFACE CIRCUIT CARD - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0123Figure 38. Panel Assembly (4A6) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 38. Front Panel Assembly (4A6) (Sheet 2 of 2)GROUP 0206 FRONT PANEL ASSEMBLYFigure 39. Front Panel (4A6) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 39. Front Panel (4A6) (Sheet 2 of 2)Repair Parts List - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0129Figure 40. Switch Circuit Card Assembly (4A6A1) (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 40. Switch Circuit Card Assembly (4A6A1) (Sheet 2 of 2)GROUP 020601 SWITCH CIRCUIT CARDFigure 41. Front Panel Circuit Card Assembly (4A6A2)GROUP 020602 FRONT PANEL CIRCUITFigure 42. Chassis Assembly (4A7) (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 42. Chassis Assembly (4A7) (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure 42. Chassis Assembly (4A7) (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 42. Chassis Assembly (4A7) (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 42. Chassis Assembly (4A7) (Sheet 5 of 5)GROUP 0207 CHASSIS ASSEMBLY (4A7)NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0141NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0142NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0143NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0144NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0145NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0146NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0147NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0148PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0149PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0150PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0151PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0152PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0153PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0154PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0155PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0156PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0157PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0158PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0159PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0160PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0161PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0162PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0163PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0164PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0165PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0166PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0167NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0168NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0169NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0170PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0171PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0172PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0173PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0174PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0175PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0176PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-5895-1108-24P0177TM-11-5895-1108-24P Modem Digital Data MD-1094/G and Control Modem Digital Data C-10812/G Manual
