C 1, TM 11-5805-424-15/NAVSHIPS 0967-220-9010/TO 31W2-2G-41
8.1-8. Input Resistance Test
c. Adjust the voltage source until the ME-30A/U
across the MD-674(P)/G input terminals reads 6 volts.
determine whether the MD-674(P)/G has the proper
d. The ME-30A/U across the 1K resistor should
input resistance by performing the following procedures:
read between 0.80 and 0.98 volt.
a. Connect the equipment as shown in figure 8.1-5;
set the ME-30A/U, connected across the 1K resistor to
input terminals and repeat the procedure given in d
read 1 volt, full scale.
b. Operate the ON-OFF switch to ON.