TM 11-5805-424-15/NAVELEX 0967-220-9010/TO 31W2-2G-41
(fig. 2-3) slightly (clockwise if
the time delay is
too long;
provides at +6-volt indication exactly 5
counterclockwise if the time delay is too short); then
seconds after the INPUT SELECT switch
depress the TALK REQUEST RESET pushbutton, and
is operated from DATA to OFF.
repeat the procedure in b above.
e. No-Transition Alarm Receive.
d. Continue to perform the procedures in c and d
(1) Connect the ME-26A/U between test point
above until the ME-26A/U provides a 0-volt indication
exactly 1 second after the TALK REQUEST pushbutton
ground; the ME-26A/U should indicate -
is depressed.
3.84 volts approximately.
e. Connect the ME-26A/U between test point TP4,
(2) Repeat the procedures in d(2), (3), and (4)
on the control shelf and ground; the ME-26A/U should
above, adjusting the TRANSITION
indicate 0 volt.
ALARM TIME RECEIVE control in place
f. Depress the front panel TALK REQUEST
pushbutton, and check for a 1.75-second delay before
TRANSMIT control.
the ME-26A/U indicates +6 volts.
g. If the +6-volt indication does not occur exactly
8-5. Order-Wire Circuit Adjustments
1.75 seconds after the TALK REQUEST pushbutton is
a. Connect the ME-26A/U between test point TP3
depressed, adjust the TALK REQUEST WINDOW
on the control shelf (fig. 2-3) and ground; the ME-26A/U
control (fig. 2-3) slightly (clockwise if the time delay is
should indicate + 15 volts.
too long; counterclockwise if the time delay is too short);
b. Depress the front panel TALK REQUEST
then depress the TALK REQUEST RESET pushbutton,
pushbutton. and check for a 1-second delay before the
and repeat the procedure in f above.
ME-26A/U indicates 0 volt.
h. Continue to perform the procedures in g and f
c. If the 0-volt indication does not occur exactly 1
above until the ME-26A/U provides a + 6-volts indication
second after the TALK REQUEST pushbutton is
exactly 1.75 seconds after the TALK REQUEST
depressed, adjust the TALK REQUEST DELAY control
pushbutton is depressed.
Change 6