TM 11-7440-278-14
TM 5-6115-365-15
Operator's Organizational, Direct Support, General Sup)port and Depot ,Maintenance
Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List); Generator Sets, Gasoline and
Diesel Engine Driven, Trailer Mounted, PU-236/G, PUT-236A,/G (NSN 6115-00-.393-
1709)), PUT-23(B /C (6115-00-738-6334) PU-253A/T., PTU-253,/U (6115-00-(697-
722-3760), PU--106 '43 (6;115-00-738-6312), PT-- 409,/M (6115-00-702-3343). PU-
4109A AI (6115-00-733-63.,8). PIT- 495/G (6115-00-823-2218), PU-551/G (6115-
00-889-1307), PI--56-1 A/G (6115-00-728-6341), PU-56-1B 'G (6115-00-179-2789).
TM 9-2320-209-10
Operator's Manual for Truck, 21,4,-Ton. 6x6, Gasoline Engine Models M185, M185Al,
M34, M35r, M36, M36C, 147, M59, M342, VS18A/MTQ, V17A/MTQ, MI49, M49C,
MSO, 5148, I275, I567, 292, Mo109, M109AI, L108, M60; Mi\fs18 Multifuel Engine
Models: Truck, Van, Expansible: M292A1, M292A2. A1292A5 (Body Only).
TM 9-2'320-209-10-1
Operation, Installation and Reference Data Operator Level for 21 '-Ton, 6x6, M-14A1 and
AI44A2 Series Trucks (Multifuel): Cargo: M35A1 W/O 'Winch (NSN 2320-00-542-
077-16i39); Tractor: 4I275AI W/O Winch (2320-00-4416-2179), '.)257A42' WO
MA756A2 W_W
(2320-00-9041-3277) and Maintenance, Earth Boring and
Polesetting: M7641 W (2320-00-937-.5980) (TO .36AI2-1B-1091-3).
TM 9-2320-209-20
Organizational Maintenance Manual for Truck, 21.'-Ton 6x6, , gasoline Engine Models:
M185, MI185A1, M.34.
135. M136, 4M36C, M,17, 4M59. M342, N'18A/MTQ,
V17A/MTQ, A149, M149C, A50., M48, M275, M,567, M292, 41109, M109A1, M108,
M60; Multifuel Engine Models: Truck, Van, Expansible: M'292A1, 4292A2, M'292A5
(Body Only).
TMI 9-2320-209-20P
Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools List for 21,,-Ton, 6x6 Truck;
Instrument Repair Shop,. Truck Mounted: Ar185, M185AI, MI185A2. M185A3;
Cargo: M34, M35, M35A1, M35A2, M35A2C, M36, M36A2, M36C; Dump: M47,
4I59, M342A2; Maintenance, Earth Boring Machine and Pole Setter: V18A 'MTQ,
M764; Maintenance: Telephone Construction and Maintenance: V17A/MTQ;