CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONCHAPTER 2 SERVICE UPON RECEIPTFigure 2-1. Typical PackagingSECTION III. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSFigure 2-2. Test SetupCHAPTER 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-55-4920-413-13P_20Figure 3-1,. Line Test Set Controls and IndicatorsTable 3-1. Operators ControlsOperators Controls (Cont) - TM-55-4920-413-13P_23Operators Controls (Cont) - TM-55-4920-413-13P_24Operators Controls (Cont) - TM-55-4920-413-13P_25CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection III. REPAINTING AND REFINISHING INSTRUCTIONSSection IV. MAINTENANCE (AVUM)Table 4-3. Test EquipmentFigure 4-1. Power Supply - Equipment Setup4-13. IDSL Test Set Circuits.Table 4-5. Troubleshooting Lamp Test Circuit (AVIM)Figure 4-3. Simulator Unit - Internal Left ViewTable 4-6. Troubleshooting Power Supply Circuit (AVIM)Figure 4-4. A1 Power Supply BoardFigure 4-5. Simulator Power Supply Assembly A1, Block DiagramTable 4-7. Troubleshooting Torque NO 1 or NO 2 (AVIM)Table 4-8. Troubleshooting FUEL QUANTITY NO 1 or NO 2 (AVIM).Table 4-9. Troubleshooting Turbine Gas Temp NO 1 or No 2 (AVIM)Table 4-10. Troubleshooting Engine Oil Temp NO 1 or NO 2 (AVIM).Table 4-11. Troubleshooting Xmsn Oil Temp (AVIM).Figure 4-6. DC Simulator A4 BoardFigure 4-7. DC Input Simulator Assembly A4, Block Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4-7. DC Input Simulator Assembly A4, Block Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2)Table 4-12. Troubleshooting Rotor Speed (Hz) (AVIM).Table 4-13. Troubleshooting Engine % RPM NO 1 and NO 2 (AVIM).Table 4-14. Troubleshooting GAS GEN SPEED NO 1 and NO 2 (AVIM)Figure 4-8. Frequency Simulator A3 BoardFigure 4-9. Frequency Input Simulator Assembly A3, Block Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4-9. Frequency Input Simulator Assembly A3, Block Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2)Table 4-15. Troubleshooting Engine Oil Press NO 1 and NO 2 (AVIM).Table 4-16. Troubleshooting XMSN OIL PRESS (AVIM).Table 4-17. Troubleshooting Oil and XMSN Pressure Voltage Checks (A2) Board (AVIM).Table 4-17. Troubleshooting Oil and XMSN Pressure Voltage Cheeks (A2) Board (AVIM) (continued).Figure 4-10. Engine and XMSN Oil Pressure - Equipment SetupFigure 4-11. Oil Pressure Simulator A2 BoardFigure 4-12. Oil Pressure Simulator Assembly A2, Block DiagramSection VI. PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT AND STORAGEAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-55-4920-413-13P_60APPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-4920-413-13P_62B-3. DEFINITIONSB-6. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT Section II. Maintenance Allocation Chart - TM-55-4920-413-13P_65APPENDIX C REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST4. How to Locate Repair Parts.Figure C-1. Instrument Display System Line Test SetDESCRIPTION - TM-55-4920-413-13P_70Figure C-2. Line Test Set - Exploded ViewDESCRIPTION - TM-55-4920-413-13P_72Figure C-3. Case, Line Test Set -Exploded ViewDESCRIPTION - TM-55-4920-413-13P_74Figure C-4. Simulator - Exploded View (Sheet 1 of 3)DESCRIPTION - TM-55-4920-413-13P_76Figure C-4. Simulator - Exploded View (Sheet 2 of 3)DESCRIPTION - TM-55-4920-413-13P_78Figure C-4. Simulator - Exploded View ( Sheet 3 of 3)DESCRIPTION - TM-55-4920-413-13P_80Figure C-5. Power Supply CardDESCRIPTION - TM-55-4920-413-13P_82Figure C-6. Oil Pressure Simulator CardDESCRIPTION - TM-55-4920-413-13P_84Figure C-7. FrequencyInput Simulator Card (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure C-7. Frequency Input Simulator Card (Sheet 2 of 2)DESCRIPTION - TM-55-4920-413-13P_87Figure C-8. DC Input Simulator CardDESCRIPTION - TM-55-4920-413-13P_90Figure C-9. Cable Assembly Simulator to SDCDESCRIPTION - TM-55-4920-413-13P_92NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-55-4920-413-13P_93NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-55-4920-413-13P_94PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-55-4920-413-13P_95A P P E N D I X D E X P E N D A B L E S U P P L I E S A N D M A T E R I A L S L I S TFO-1 POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY A1, SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMFO-3. FREQUENCY INPUT SIMULATOR ASSEMBLY A3, SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM FO-4. OIL PRESSURE SIMULATOR ASSEMBLY A2, SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM