TM 11-7440-278-14
Figure 1-8. Data Analysis Central OL-88 (V) 1/MYK-8, Equipment Moved for Storage or Service.
(2) Air-conditioning.
An 18,000 BTU air-
OL-88(V)(*)/MYK-8(V) and OL-89(V) (*)/
MYK-8 (V)
conditioner mounted on the facilities front wall provides a
Length..................................... 35 feet (plus 251/2 in.
comfortable operating environment for personnel. Refer
for air-conditioner
to TM 5-4120-243-14 for a de-tailed description of the
Height ..................................... 13 feet
(3) Power connections. A power entrance box
Width ...................................... 8 feet
Road clearance (with
is mounted on the rear curbside wall of the V-460/MYK-
storage box only ................ 251/2 in.
8(V) for connection to an external power source. The ac
Weight .................................... 37,160 lbs (OL-88)
power is routed through the power distribution box and
and 33,600 lbs
the wall ducts to the ac receptacles and ceiling lights.
Power is obtained from either a PU-495/G generator or a
V-460/MYK-8 (V)
central power source.
Length..................................... 144 in.
Height ..................................... 82 in.
Tabulated Data
Width ...................................... 89 in.
a. Physical Characteristics.
Weight .................................... 8,615 lbs.