The maintenance duties of the Operator include the performance of Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
(PMCS). PMCS are the systematic care, servicing, and inspection of equipment to prevent the occurrence of trouble and
reduce downtime by detecting operational problems. PMCS are required to maintain Army electronic equipment in a
combat serviceable and mission-ready condition. PMCS are performed:
Before Operation. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS noted
throughout this manual. Perform the before (B) PMCS.
During Operation. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS noted
throughout this manual. Perform the during (D) PMCS.
After Operation. Be sure to perform the after (A) PMCS.
If Processor Fails to Operate. Troubleshoot with proper equipment. Report any
deficiencies using the proper forms (DA PAM 738-750).
PMCS Table. The following subparagraphs define the purpose of the PMCS table, service intervals, and
procedure columns. Also provided are operator instructions for reporting equipment operating deficiencies.
Purpose of PMCS table.
The PMCS table 2-1 lists the inspections and care of
the equipment, which
are performed by the Operator to ensure that the equipment remains in the proper operational readiness.
Service Intervals. The INTERVAL column of
the PMCS table 2-1 informs the Operator as to
how often
checks and services are to be performed. Following is an explanation of the internal codes:
ALL PMCS must be done as regularly scheduled and also under
the following conditions:
When the disk unit is first installed.
When the disk unit is being operated for the first time.
When the disk unit is reinstalled after being removed for
any reason.
Before the disk unit is used on a mission.
BEFORE OPERATION - Do the (B) PMCS before operating the disk unit.
DURING OPERATION - Do the (D) PMCS during the operation of the disk unit.