TM 55-4920-410-13&PAPPENDIX DEXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSection I. INTRODUCTION1. Scope.O. Organizational MaintenanceThis appendix lists expendable supplies and materi-als you will need to operate and maintain the SystemAnalyzer Test Set. These items are authorized to youby CTA 50-970, Expendable Items (Except Medical.Class V, Repair Parts, and Heraldic Items)2. Explanation of Columns.a. Column I - item number. This number is assignedto the entry in the listing and is referenced in thenarrative instructions to identify the material (e.g.,“Use cleaning compound, item 5, App. D”).b. Column 2 - Level. This column identifies thelowest level of maintenance that requires the listeditem.c. Column 3 . National Stock Number. This is theNational stock number assigned to the item; use it torequest or requisition the item.d. Column 4 - Description. Indicates the Federal itemname and, if required, a description to identify theitem. The last line for each item indicates the partnumber followed by the Federal Supply Code forManufacturer ( FSCM ) in parentheses, if applicable.e. Column 5 - Unit ofr Measure (U/M). Indicates themeasure used in performing the actual maintenancefunction. This measure is expressed by a two-characteralphabetical abbreviation (e.g., ea, in, pr ). 1 f the unit ofmeasure differs from the unit of issue, requisition thelowest unit of issue that will satisfy your requirements.(1)(2)ITEMNUMBER1234(3)(4)NATIONALSTOCKDESCRIPTIONLEVELNUMBER(5)U/M08010-00-286-7758Paint, Fed Std 595 #135380
0-00-527-2884Paint, Fed Std 595 #3703806850-00-285-8011Solvent, Dry-Cleaning P-D-680, Type IIQTGLGLFTD-1/(D-2 blank)
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